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Catholic University of Brasília

Taguatinga, Brazil
1501+ in World University Rankings 2025
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Basic information and contact details for Catholic University of Brasília


The Catholic University of Brasilia is a private, non-profit, Catholic university located in Brasilia, the federal capital of Brazil. This 44 year-old institution was established in 1974 as the Catholic School of Humanities (FCCH), with courses in business administration, economics and education. Currently, UCB is the only private University of the Federal District and ranks the 6th among all private institutions in Brazil.

UCB has three campuses; the main campus is located in the city of Taguatinga away 21km from Brasília, while the second and third campuses in Asa Norte and Asa Sul respectively are located in the city of Brasília. These huge facilities house six schools that offer 53 majors to 19,000 students, of which 3,000 are postgraduates.

The different schools of health, business, medicine, law and education, humanities and the polytechnic school are constantly offering new courses to cater for the surge in student enrollment in distance learning programs at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.

The university is dedicated to offering a full-fledged academic experience to students. As such, a huge library system that coordinates five physical libraries and a virtual library with more than 100,000 titles and 218,000 volumes is available. This is in addition to a distance education centre and the Hospital of the Catholic University of Brasilia.

Since Brasilia, which succeeded Rio de Janeiro as Brazil’s capital, was only built in three years, the city has a modern vibe to it. Brasilia boasts innovate city planning, modern architecture and easy to spot tourism attractions, including the Catedral Metropolitana, the Palácio dos Arcos, which houses the Foreign Ministry and the museum of indigenous people.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at Catholic University of Brasília

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
55 F : 45 M (1)
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International student percentage
0% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
21.2 (1)
Student total
8555 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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Subjects Taught at Catholic University of Brasília

See below for a range of subjects taught at Catholic University of Brasília