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École National Polytechnique de Constantine

Constantine Province, Algeria
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Basic information and contact details for École National Polytechnique de Constantine


The Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Constantine (ENPC) is a higher education institution located in Constantine, Algeria, established in 1982. It focuses on polytechnic education and innovation and is part of the programme to support the quality of higher education in Algeria.

Situated in the university city of Ali Mendjeli in Constantine, ENPC shares its campus with other educational institutions, including the University Constantine 3, the National School of Biotechnology, and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Constantine.

ENPC offers a range of programmes that lead to Diplome d’Ingénieur and master’s degrees. These programmes are taught by a highly qualified faculty and are designed to prepare students for careers in various engineering fields, including process engineering, mechanical engineering, materials engineering, and electrical and automation engineering (E.E.A).

The university welcomes students from preparatory schools and other academic institutions across Algeria who have passed the entrance exam to the Grandes Ecoles.

ENPC provides a modern environment and state-of-the-art facilities for its students to excel in their chosen fields of study. The institution is committed to offering quality education and research opportunities in the field of engineering.

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