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Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

New Delhi, India
401–500th in World University Rankings 2020
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Basic information and contact details for Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


Established in 1961 under the Institutes of Technology Act of the same year, the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) is a public research university. Under its founding legislation, it was declared to be an Institute of National Importance.

There are nine subject areas in which IITD offers a Bachelor of Technology. These are Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Mechanical Engineering, Production and Industrial Engineering, and Textile Technology.

The university also offers five dual programmes that combine undergraduate and graduate degrees, as well as other graduate programmes within the university’s various departments and centres.

IITD comprises11 multi-disciplinary centres as well as three schools of excellence. Its mission is to generate new knowledge and engage in cutting-edge research..

Situated in South Delhi’s affluent Hauz Khas neighbourhood, the IITD campus spans 325 acres and is built to resemble a city of its own, complete with gardens, roads and residential complexes. The campus is divided into four zones, with male and female accommodation in the Student Residential Zone, a Faculty and Staff Residential Zone, the Academic Zone and the Student Recreational Area, comprising a football stadium, cricket ground, basketball courts, a hockey field, swimming pool and tennis courts. 

Away from the campus, the university lies in easy reach of several other higher education institutions, as well as national attractions such as the Qutub Minar, the world’s tallest brick minaret, and the Lotus Temple, one of the most visited buildings in the world.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
20 F : 80 M (1)
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International student percentage
1% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
14.8 (1)
Student total
7284 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2020

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