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Istanbul Kültür University

Istanbul, Türkiye
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Basic information and contact details for Istanbul Kültür University


Istanbul Kültür University (IKU) was established in 1997 and is one of the educational foundations in Istanbul, Turkey. It aims to shape the future through innovative activities that serve social progress, lifelong learning, and science.

Istanbul Kültür University offers a diverse range of undergraduate programmes, with an emphasis on languages, including courses in Turkish and English.

With approximately 13,500 students spread across four campuses in Istanbul, Istanbul Kültür University provides a well-rounded education in various fields. The university also places importance on internationalisation, welcoming over 1,000 international students and establishing partnerships with institutions worldwide.

Istanbul Kültür University offers blended classroom-hybrid and online courses and has a strong focus on practical competence and creativity, in line with its mission to contribute to society through scientific, artistic, and cultural activities.

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