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M. Kumarasamy College of Engineering

TN, India
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Basic information and contact details for M. Kumarasamy College of Engineering


Established in 2000 by M.Kumarasamy Health and Educational Trust, the M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering was built to provide high quality technical education to the region.

The university offers a range of undergraduate programmes within the engineering discipline including science and engineering, information technology, mechanical engineering anf civl engineering among others.

The university also offers postgraduate degrees in computer applications and communication systems.

In addition to these degrees the university offers "value added courses" in each department. These courses take place after usual hours and include a range of topics including C Language, Catia, embedded systems and fundamentals of computer programming.

On campus there are many facilities including a library with more than 60,000 books and an automatic book issue machine, fitness centre and various sports courts, accommodation and a food hall.

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