Qassim University

Ranked & featured
Qassim, Saudi Arabia
601–800th in World University Rankings 2025
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    About Qassim University

    Basic information and contact details for Qassim University


    Qassim University is an extra comprehensive university, located in an intermediate area between the cities and governorates of Qassim region, and quite close to Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz International Airport, and to the capital city of the region Buraydah. The main campus site area is roughly 7.8 million m2. The university has two satellite campuses located in two major cities of the region Unizah and Arrass. The university covers over 59 scientific specializations such as:

    The university offers a number of academic programs with over 59 programs grants a bachelor’s degree (Deanship of Admission and Registration), over 62 programs grant master's degree, and over 19 programs grant PhD's degree (Deanship of Graduate Studies).

    Qassim University has recently released its new strategic plan 2020-2025 which obviously contributes toward the achievement of the Kingdom vision 2030's objectives through applying the foundations of sustainability in research and development system, as well as in educational and professional programs at the university and adopting initiatives, projects and action plan to provide the university with applied research and high-quality educational programs in the fields of developmental, food, and sustainable natural and financial resources. Qassim University also believes in the importance of technology in the educational and research fields, hence one of its strategic objectives is improving technical, information performance and promoting digital transformation, which includes a number of strategic initiatives and projects such as artificial intelligence, data governance, and others.

    Qassim University pursues in its education strategy the application of standards and foundations of quality assurance and accreditation, which resulted in fully accreditation of the university until 2027 by the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment in the Kingdom. Moreover, many academic programs of the university have been accredited and recognized either nationally (23 academic programs) or internationally (15 academic programs) (Deanship of Development and Quality). Also, the university develops and improves its outputs through the use of a number of modern teaching methods, and strategies, inclusion of cooperative training programs and the introduction and development of programs to meet the requirements of the labor market. In addition, there was a noticeable development in the adoption of electronic learning in Qassim University. The number of electronic courses were developed from 3 courses on 2015/2016 to 459 courses in 2020/2021. On the other hand, the university is developing the performance of faculty members and those of similar standing and employees through special training programs provided by the Leadership and Capacity Development Center.

    Along with providing a high quality education, Qassim University also gives a high priority to scientific research. Therefore, the Scientific Research Deanship has recently released its Scientific Research Strategy for the upcoming 5 years 2020-2025. The scientific research strategy of Qassim University was based on the university’s capabilities in line with national priorities and regional challenges and opportunities. The activities and outputs of the strategy include pioneering research activities that foster innovation and entrepreneurship, support the process of continuous development and improvement in academic programs, support research skills, develop and improve activities of community service. Obviously, the research strategy also contributes to the university’s role in achieving objectives of the Kingdome Vision 2030, as scientific research and development is a vital element that helps the nation to accomplish its ambitious long-term goals. The research strategy can be summarized in 10 priorities including:

    • Sustainable and value chain research in agricultural and veterinary sciences.
    • Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases.
    • Sustainable Developments in the Energy, Water, and Environmental Engineering Sectors.
    • Management of common Infectious Diseases.
    • Increase the internal capability of researchers and research staff to perform excellent research.
    • Roadmap for Sustainable Development of Qassim Region.
    • Proposed approaches for Cybersecurity towards KSA Digital transformation.
    • Innovative Biotechnology and nanotechnology for a healthy life.
    • Development of Smart Cities.
    • Application-based Intelligent Analytics for Problem Solving.

    Additionally, the university established five research centers under the umbrella of the Scientific Research Deanship, where financial and technical supports are provided for researchers through grants, research projects, and special training programs. The University also shows interest in encouraging and motivating researchers through different support programs such as research awards, rewards and certificates of appreciation to faculty, teaching staff and students to enhance the scientific research output and recognize the distinguished researchers.

    Furthermore, a number of specialized centers are established at the university to serve students, faculty staff, leaders, and the society including:

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    Select the type of rankings below to see stats

    World University Rankings 2025
    Teaching 35.8
    Research Environment 23.1
    Research Quality 48.3
    Industry 22
    International Outlook 81.5

    Breakdown via year: Teaching

    Ranking positions 2021 to 2025
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    Impact Rankings

    Select the type of ranking below to see stats

    Impact Rankings 2024

    No data to display

    Impact Ranking positions 2020 to 2024
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    Key Student Statistics

    A breakdown of student statistics at Qassim University

    gender ratio
    Student gender ratio
    66 F : 34 M (1)
    globe fill
    International student percentage
    8% (1)
    student per staff
    Students per staff
    9.5 (1)
    Student total
    35951 (1)

    Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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    Subjects Taught at Qassim University

    See below for a range of subjects taught at Qassim University

    Physical Sciences501–600th

    • Chemistry
    • Geology, Environmental, Earth and Marine Sciences
    • Physics and Astronomy
    • Mathematics and Statistics

    Computer Science301–400th

    • Computer Science

    Social Sciences501–600th

    • Sociology
    • Politics and International Studies
    • Geography
    • Communication and Media Studies

    Life Sciences401–500th

    • Agriculture and Forestry
    • Sport Science
    • Veterinary Science
    • Biological Sciences

    Clinical and Health401–500th

    • Medicine and Dentistry
    • Other Health

    Business and Economics401–500th

    • Economics and Econometrics
    • Business and Management
    • Accounting and Finance


    • Education


    • General Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering