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Rhodes University

Makhanda, South Africa
801–1000th in World University Rankings 2023
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Basic information and contact details for Rhodes University


Rhodes University is a small university in the Eastern Cape of South Africa and was founded in 1904.

It was founded as Rhodes University College and became a college of the University of South Africa in 1918 before gaining independent university status in 1951. The institution was named after former prime minister, Cecil Rhodes.

Across 203 hectares, the university is nestled in the hills of Grahamstown, a beautiful, historic city filled with stone buildings. Grahamstown is 50-minutes from the sea and 90 minutes from the Winterberg Mountains.

Students can undertake a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses, and have access to academic staff and close supervision throughout their studies. The university has six main faculties including commerce, education, humanities, law, pharmacy and science.

Around 30 per cent of the student body is postgraduate and 20 per cent are international students from 54 countries across the world.

Around half of undergraduates at Rhodes University stay in university residences. The campus itself is small enough for students to walk around without a car.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at Rhodes University

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
63 F : 37 M (1)
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International student percentage
14% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
17 (1)
Student total
6872 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2023

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