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Sindh Madressatul Islam (SMI) University

Karachi, Pakistan
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Basic information and contact details for Sindh Madressatul Islam (SMI) University


Sindh Madressatul Islam (SMI) University was founded in 1885.

The university’s campus is located in one of Pakistan’s commercial hubs of Karachi, spread over eight-acres of land. Its strategic location means that courses are often designed in consultation with the corporate sector. The university is in close proximity to multinational trading houses, banks and financial institutions, making internships and placements easily accessible for students.

The university has 10 departments including: business administration, accounting and finance, computer science, software engineering, artificial intelligence and mathematical sciences, media and communication, English, social development, education, and environmental studies. Across its departments, the university offers undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programmes as well as courses for professional development.

Students can develop their media skills in the on-campus television studio and radio station, offering hands-on training to students and working journalists. Other facilities include information technology labs, a library, the Jinnah Museum and an auditorium.

The university offers a range of clubs and societies that hold weekly meetings, events and often collaborate with local businesses and other universities. These societies include debate, art, community service, literacy, science and sports among others.

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