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Sisaket Rajabhat University

Mueang Si Sa Ket District, Thailand
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Basic information and contact details for Sisaket Rajabhat University


Sisaket Rajabhat University is a public university located in the Sisaket Province of northeastern Thailand.

The university was founded in 1973 as a teacher training college.

Sisaket Rajabhat University currently offers undergraduate and graduate programmes in different disciplines such as education, science and technology, humanities and social sciences, management science, and agricultural technology.

It is part of the Rajabhat University system.

The campus has classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and research centres, as well as sports and recreational facilities. 

It has forged academic and research partnerships with several leading institutions in the world, particularly in Southeast Asia, to promote student and faculty exchanges, joint research projects, and cross-cultural learning experiences.

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