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Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Tabriz, Iran
601–800th in World University Rankings 2025
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Basic information and contact details for Tabriz University of Medical Sciences


Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (TUOMS) is affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and is one of the most prestigious medical universities in Iran.

It is a state medical university located in Tabriz in the East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Having been founded in 1946, the university is the second oldest medical school in the country. TUOMS has always been actively involved, not only in academic activities, but also in research, health and treatment.

This university offers a wide range of opportunities and excellent facilities for study and research in medical fields and is a nationally recognised high-profile institution that provides superior education, research and treatment services to the community. TUOMS is the home campus for statewide programmes in medical fields such as pharmacology, dentistry, health, nutrition, management and informatics, nursing and midwifery, paramedicine and rehabilitation and advanced sciences.

As one of the outstanding medical research universities in Iran, TUOMS also tries to encourage researchers, and facilitate their needs in order to attain its research and academic goals. The university tries to fulfill its three important missions, namely research, education and health care through its eight vice-chancellors.

It is a pioneering leader in the creation and use of knowledge and it is determined to share its contribution to ensure and promote public health in society.

In line with the Islamic-Iranian model, TUOMS makes an effort to keep its valuable and prominent stance among national medical universities. The university also tries hard to be active among medical universities at an international level.

Ultimately, knowledge-based development has been defined as the main policy which should be considered in all activities. To achieve this aim, these programmes are followed:

- training committed and qualified members of staff in different medical groups based on Islamic-Iranian culture.
- continuously enhancing the scientific capacities and skills relating to the health system of employees and graduates.
- participation in the development and promotion of mental and social health through "knowledge transfer" and publicising the science.
- creating new knowledge and technologies along with the application of research results and entrepreneurship in health-related fields.
- improving quality of life in accordance with Islamic-Iranian lifestyle.
- supervision and participation in the policy-making process and providing optimal health care services at all levels, with emphasis on vulnerable groups of society.
- expansion and enrichment of religious culture, and providing services for physical and mental health of the medical students and staff
- developing ties with policy-making centers of healthcare system as well as collaborating with national and international higher education institutes.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
49 F : 51 M (1)
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International student percentage
4% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
9.8 (1)
Student total
8895 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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Subjects Taught at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

See below for a range of subjects taught at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Clinical and Health501–600th

  • Medicine and Dentistry
  • Other Health