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Tama University

13, Japan
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Founded in 1989, Tama University is located in the district of Greater Tokyo known for the Tama Hills and the "13 Buddhas" temple pilgrimage trail. It is also the headquarters of Juki, the world’s largest manufacturer of sewing machines.

It was founded, and is still run, by Tamura Gakuen, a body formed to encourage women’s education, but is also co-educational. Through Tamara Gakuen it is connected to junior and senior high schools and to three kindergartens.

It started offering its first master's courses in 1993 and doctorates from 1995.

Students have the opportunity to study abroad either through a long- or short- term exchange. The university has partnerships with universities in many countries including Germany, Singapore, Australia, Canada, the USA, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and Taiwan.

In 2007 it expanded through the formation of the school of global studies in Fujisawa, roughly 30 miles away. Satellite campuses have also subsequently opened at Kudan and Hachioji.

It remains a fairly small institution, with just less than 3,000 students. Around two-thirds of students study in the school of management and information science on the main campus.

The school of global studies offers majors in hospitality management and international studies, which are all taught in English. It also hosts the Centre for Rule-Making Strategies, thought to be the first institute of its kind in Japan when it was opened in 2016. It offers both a certificate programme and a tailored MBA delivered in partnership with Tama’s Graduate Schools. Its staff are frequently quoted on a wide range of issues by English-language media based in Japan.

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