Toulouse Business School
About Toulouse Business School
Basic information and contact details for Toulouse Business School
Toulouse Business School was founded in 1903 by the Toulouse Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The initial function of the school was to respond to the needs of local businesses by providing able business administrators.
There are five campuses located in Toulouse, Paris, Barcelona, London and Casablanca.
The university provides a number of courses including a selection of MBAs, as well as courses in banking and finance; control, organisation and systems; marketing and communications; innovation, technology and entrepreneurship and sectoral management. Courses span from bachelor's to doctorate programmes.
Programmes are taught in French, English or Spanish.
There is also regular research being undertaken at the school across the five research laboratories and there are 70 research articles published per year.
The university has formed partnerships with more than 200 universities across the world and offers 25 dual degrees with international partner universities. These partnerships enable students to take part in international exchange opportunities. Students from over 80 nationalities study across the five campuses.
There iare a vast number of student-led clubs and organisations including sports clubs, arts clubs, a wine and spirits clubs, outdoor and extreme sports, sustainable development and political clubs.
Summer and Winter schools are available which offer a variety of business courses as well as the opportunity to participate in social and cultural activities. These include guided tours, company visits, team building events, weekend trips, themes events and Opening and Closing ceremonies. These Summer and Winter schools take place in Toulouse, Barcelona and Ljubljana.
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