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Universidade Lueji A'Nkonde

Dundo, Angola
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Basic information and contact details for Universidade Lueji A'Nkonde


Universidade Lueji A'Nkonde is situated in the city of Dundo close to Angola’s border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

It part of a network of autonomous regional public universities, serving the states of Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul.

It was founded in 2004 as the Escola Superieur de Lunda Norte. 

It is divided between schools of law, economics and education at Bondo, technical education at Kwanza and the polytechnic institute at Saurimo.

It offers qualifications in six varieties of engineering as well as maths, chemistry, physics, biology, French, English, Portuguese, history, geography, special education, primary education, pre-school education, nursing, law, economics, and administration and management. 


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