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University of Bahrain

Sakheer, Bahrain
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The University of Bahrain (UoB) was established in 1986 and is the first national university in the Kingdom of Bahrain. UoB has a mandate to lead the nation in terms of human capital development, leading innovation, contributing to economic development and leading society.

UoB is educating more than 30,000 students and has graduated over 90,000+ graduates. With accredited programs and collaboration with regional and international organizations and universities, UoB has a vision to become a world-class university that is recognized as a teaching, research, and entrepreneurial institute.

UoB has two campuses that house nine colleges (Arts, Business Administration, Engineering, Information Technology, Science, Law, Teachers College, Applied Studies, Health and Physical Education Sciences) in addition to six international centers, a regional research center for renewable energy, Artificial Intelligence Lab, IOT and Cloud Innovation center. UoB has also teaching and leadership unit to advance teaching methods and curricula. UoB is one of only four universities that are global partners of the Higher Education Academy (HEA); this is global recognition of UoB’s teaching and learning quality and standards.

The University has a clear focus on a number of areas that are key to its success. Targeted and innovative approaches to research through international and industry collaboration which promotes its reputation both regionally and beyond. The University of Bahrain has significant international reach and global standing through its students and graduates, research and academic partnerships. Technology is key not only to enhance teaching and learning but also to create a SMART campus that is fitting with the digital age that we now live in. The University of Bahrain is central to the economic growth of Bahrain through offering programs and courses that are aligned with the national economic strategy whilst also ensuring sustainability through operating as a commercial and entrepreneurial university.

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