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University of Macedonia

Impact Rankings 2024
156 Egnatia Street, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, 546 36, Greece

About University of Macedonia

In its sixth decade of operation, the University of Macedonia, the successor to the historical Graduate School of Industrial Studies of Thessaloniki, is a modern state higher education institution, renowned for the quality, freedom, democracy, meritocracy and individual development it provides to all its members: students, academic and research staff and university employees.

Explore rankings data for University of Macedonia

All ranked institutions have an overall score and 4 pillar scores. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score

Subjects taught at University of Macedonia

  • Physical sciences

    • Mathematics & Statistics
  • Social sciences

    • Sociology
    • Communication & Media Studies
    • Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
  • Arts & humanities

    • History, Philosophy & Theology
    • Art, Performing Arts & Design
    • Languages, Literature & Linguistics
  • Psychology

    • Psychology
  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health

    • Other Health
  • Business & economics

    • Business & Management
    • Economics & Econometrics
    • Accounting & Finance
  • Education

    • Education
  • Computer science

    • Computer Science
  • Law

    • Law