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University of Montevideo

Montevideo, Uruguay
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Basic information and contact details for the University of Montevideo


The University of Montevideo is a private university located in Montevideo, Uruguay. It was founded in 1986 and offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes in fields such as as law, business, humanities, education, communications and engineering among others.

The university embraces a Christian identity and emphasises a strong work ethic and a deep commitment to serving society among its students. 

It has over 3,000 undergraduate and graduate students. 

Students have the opportunity to engage in various sports, including basketball, soccer, handball, hockey, and volleyball.  

The university has around 225 agreements with universities from 50 countries around the world. These include University of Technology Sydney (Australia), University of Western Ontario (Canada), University College Dublin (Ireland), UCL (UK) and Northestern University (US).

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