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University of Namur

Namur, Belgium
801–1000th in World University Rankings 2025
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Basic information and contact details for the University of Namur


The University of Namur is located in the heart of Namur, the capital city of Wallonia, Belgium. Namur is a French-speaking city that stands at the confluence of the rivers Sambre and Meuse.

The university offers 40 different programmes at bachelor, master and doctorate levels across six faculties: arts, law, economics, social sciences, business administration, computer science, medicine and sciences. The university focuses on developing study techniques, providing preparation courses, small group work, online materials and personalised assessments.

Across the six faculties, programmes include history of art, French and romance languages and literatures, economics, physics, and smart rurality. The main teaching language is French across bachelors and master's programmes, therefore a basic ability is mandatory. However, some classes are taught in English.

The University of Namur also has over 100 research units covering areas including nanotechnology, biotechnology and legal questions around information and communication technologies.

There are lots of on campus facilities for students to enjoy, such as a sports hall, radio station, choir, and various activities such as sporting competitions, challenges, theatre shows and language courses.

Students with musical interests can participate in: The La Vaubane choir, sophrology, and the symphony orchestra. In Namur itself, musical events include Vedur Rock, the International Francophone Film Festival, and The Wallonia Festival. Students who enjoy sports can join a team and compete in university championships such as football, volleyball, climbing and rowing.

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Key Student Statistics

A breakdown of student statistics at the University of Namur

gender ratio
Student gender ratio
57 F : 43 M (1)
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International student percentage
15% (1)
student per staff
Students per staff
22.1 (1)
Student total
6673 (1)

Based on data collected for the (1) World University Rankings 2025

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Subjects Taught at the University of Namur

See below for a range of subjects taught at the University of Namur

Physical Sciences401–500th

  • Chemistry
  • Geology, Environmental, Earth and Marine Sciences
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Mathematics and Statistics

Life Sciences601–800th

  • Veterinary Science
  • Biological Sciences