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University of Sialkot

Sialkot, Pakistan
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The University of Sialkot (USKT) is a private university in Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.

It was established in 2013 and has eight faculties: faculty of computing and information technology; the faculty of management and administration sciences; the faculty of humanities and social sciences; the faculty of sciences; the faculty of allied health sciences; the faculty of textile and fashion designing; the faculty of engineering and architecture, and the faculty of law.

The university's main aim is to provide quality education to its students and promote peace and security within the region. Its staff and students are a diverse community and the organisation has made a commitment to ethics, tolerance, and social responsibility.

The library has a 3000-strong collection of books and many more e-books and there is a cafeteria, computer lab, administrative centre and some single-sex student accommodation on campus. To help students and staff get around, there is a fleet of modern, air-conditioned buses that run on a series of routes around Gujranwala, Daska, Sambrial, and surrounding cities.

The Centre for Extended Learning, University of Sialkot was set up for business executives, managers, professionals and students to boost their skills, refresh their knowledge and cover academic deficiencies. It offers a range of certifications, short courses and training. The Centre also works to encourage entrepreneurship among young people and assist professionals to advance their business ventures and gain the competitive advantage through the latest knowledge and techniques.

As for Sialkot, it is Pakistan’s 13th largest city in population and is situated in northeastern Punjab, which is one of Pakistan’s most industrialised cities. Sialkot was the birthplace of the poet-philosopher Muḥammad Iqbal and is home to several shrines, including that of the first Sikh guru, Nanak.

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