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Woosong University

Impact Rankings 2024
171 Dongdaejeon-ro, Dong-gu, Dong-gu, Daejeon, 300718, South Korea

About Woosong University

Based in Daejeon, Woosong University opened in 1995.

It is based on three adjacent campuses – West, East and Sol Bridge – close to Daejeon Railway state, an important junction in the national network. Most activities are concentrated on the West campus.

The university has a range of schools including software convergence, health and welfare, hotel and culinary, railroad transportation and the graduate school.

They supplement the three specialist international schools – the SolBridge International School of Business, the Endicott School of International Studies and the JW Kim School of Future Studies set up in 2020.

International students have a choice of two residences, the International Dormitory on West Campus and Sol-Geo on the East.

There are two graduation ceremonies each year.

Explore rankings data for Woosong University

All ranked institutions have an overall score and 4 pillar scores. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score