Scholars urged to widen agenda Study finds HE research has too narrow a focus and urges a more global approach, says Chloe Stothart By Chloe Stothart 24 July
Cash for new campuses tied to skills drive Bids to provide centres for 10,000 extra students must consider local needs, says Hannah Fearn 24 July
Bath defends monitoring project after claims it breached privacy Researchers are accused of disregarding consumer rights, reports Melanie Newman 24 July
MPs have a bone to pick with QAA over standards Select committee chair says watchdog lacks teeth to regulate classification system. John Gill reports By John Gill 24 July
Watchdog adds students to audit teams to assess university quality Scheme to be rolled out nationally after QAA pilot is heralded a success. Chloe Stothart reports By Chloe Stothart 24 July
Key national centre to go as chemistry loses priority cash Core services will have to compete for 'responsive mode' EPSRC funding. Melanie Newman reports 24 July
Thames Valley graduates are on the fast track to work TVU leads league table for getting students into employment. Phil Baty and Hannah Fearn report By Phil Baty 17 July
Wales spurns QAA advice to link up with unaccredited US Bible college University to validate Trinity degrees, after other UK institutions end collaboration, says Melanie Newman 17 July
Researchers have no 'right' to study terrorist materials Nottingham v-c warns that academics may face prosecution. Melanie Newman reports 17 July
Competition for postgrads jeopardises UK's position Study says the sector must protect its competitive edge in the international market, writes John Gill By John Gill 17 July
Northern Ireland stems flow of students to the rest of UK As places grow to match school-leavers' needs, more opt to study at home. Olga Wojtas reports 17 July
Legal ruling leaves everyone a winner Queen Mary and Hefce both claim victory in dispute over research cash clawback, says Melanie Newman 17 July
LSE puts £2m in teaching to grant parity with research School responds to criticism with cash for extra staff and to cut class sizes, says Rebecca Attwood By Rebecca Attwood 17 July
Massive shift leaves students adrift and tutors 'swamped' Study finds a troubling rise in undergraduates' demands on advisers. Melanie Newman reports 17 July
Scots post-92s moot federation V-cs believe a focused collaboration will enhance research and course options. Olga Wojtas reports 17 July
Europe must ape US to improve Think-tank says universities need more cash and freedom to boost growth in sector. John Gill writes By John Gill 17 July
Speculation rife over UEL v-c departure Staff perplexed as Martin Everett put on 'indefinite leave' without explanation, says Melanie Newman 17 July
From no man's land to a people's memorial Olga Wojtas tours a digital archive of First World War material compiled by members of the public 17 July
Peer review must be at the heart of REF, expert says Hepi head fears that assessment based on metrics could lead to legal challenges. John Gill reports By John Gill 17 July
Updated 11 July: UEL vice-chancellor on ‘indefinite leave’ Meeting on 8 July decides Martin Everett’s fate. Melanie Newman reports 10 July
MySpace and your research: will red tape hit web data use? Social scientists fear ethical concerns may impede their ability to mine the internet, says Zoe Corbyn 10 July
Law enforcers need to taste the benefit of surgical spirit A surgeon says policing will improve by adopting medicine's research-led approach. John Gill writes By John Gill 10 July
Flagship for teaching has limited effect on practice Study finds pockets of success for £300m scheme to raise standards. Rebecca Attwood reports By Rebecca Attwood 10 July
Hefce clawback means cuts loom London Met faces crisis after funding council takes back £15m overpayment. Rebecca Attwood reports By Rebecca Attwood 10 July