More transparent and democratic decision-making within UK universities could have helped institutions avoid the financial mistakes that are now resulting in mass redundancies, argue Nicholas Grant and Nadine Zubair
Talent pipeline for the UK’s £100 billion creative arts industries is under threat as universities shutter loss-making arts degrees, says Ravensbourne vice-chancellor Andy Cook
Subscribing to nearly everything published by journals is no longer feasible in these financially straitened times but librarians can provide creative workarounds to ensure journal access, says Liam Bullingham
Delayed introduction of England’s campus free speech act will help scholars confront bias confirmation propagated by social media bubbles, argue Carla Ferstman and Faten Ghosn
Limiting industrial action to defensive branch battles on redundancy is not enough. We need to politically challenge the HE funding model, says Rhiannon Lockley
The scientific record should reflect what actually happened, not a sanitised narrative that leaves out the messy bits, say Ivan Oransky and David B. Allison
Tec de Monterrey’s partnership with Boston’s Ragon Institute shows how Latin America can connect to global centres of excellence, says David Garza-Salazar
The celebrated campus novelist and former University of Birmingham literature professor has died. Christopher Bigsby recounts the life of ‘a serious man who wrote comic novels’
We can’t just concede that usage is ethical if within universities’ narrowly conceived rules. What about the pursuit of truth, asks Benjamin Mitchell-Yellin
The country’s leaders must recognise that emigration is not a betrayal but a symptom of deeper societal issues that must be addressed, says Roohola Ramezani
Centres of Research Excellence, officially launched today, will also strengthen the UK’s leading position in biomedical sciences, says Patrick Chinnery
The far-right president rails against academics’ supposed sense that they are superior. A scholar forced to sell books to make ends meet feels anything but