Selling yourself can sometimes be quite difficult for academics, but as John Tregoning argues, scientific salesmanship could be vital for career progression
In the second blog from nominees for Most Innovative Teacher of the Year at the THE Awards, Luke Burns calls on lecturers to embrace technology and a sense of theatre
Patrick O’Malley shares the secrets of his success in the first of a series of blogs from nominees for Most Innovative Teacher of the Year at the THE Awards
Jem Bloomfield doesn’t recognise the picture of a higher education system that panders to female students and glories in marginalising their male peers
David Cameron’s plans on university admissions data will combat inequality only if they force top universities to publish more detailed data, which take into account variables such as BME students’ A-level scores and course choices, says Kurien Parel
As increasing attention is paid to the under-representation of black and minority ethnic academics in Britain, Kalwant Bhopal weighs the process and aims of the sector’s new diversity initiative
The prime minister's suggestion that top universities are at fault for their low admission of BME students is not borne out by the evidence, says Athene Donald
Andrew W. Robinson on the sound pedagogical reasons to swap the industrial, identikit approach to teaching and learning for something less bloody boring