
Five ways higher education institutions can support students with families

Students with families and parenting responsibilities need extra support from their institutions. Fawad Inam outlines five ways to do this

Fawad Inam's avatar
Oxford Business College
21 Jul 2024
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The pursuit of higher education is a challenge for all students, but those with families face hurdles that require additional support. Balancing academic responsibilities with family commitments can be overwhelming. Higher education institutions must implement policies and resources that help these students thrive. 

Here are five effective ways colleges and universities can support students with families.

1. Flexible scheduling and online learning options

One of the challenges for students with families is managing their time between classes and family obligations. To address this, higher education institutions can offer flexible scheduling and online learning options. This flexibility allows students to tailor their academic schedules around their family commitments, making it easier to attend classes, complete assignments and participate in academic activities.

By providing a robust online learning platform, institutions can enable students to access coursework and lectures remotely. This not only saves commuting time, but also allows students to study during hours that fit their family’s routine. At Oxford Business College (OBC), we are the first private higher education college in the UK offering students industrially endorsed microcredentials and a virtual careers portal. At OBC, more than 70 per cent of the student body are over the age of 30. These adult learners face the dual challenge of balancing professional and personal lives, while pursuing their educational goals.

In addition, offering classes during evenings and weekends can provide additional opportunities for students to attend in-person sessions. This scheduling flexibility is especially beneficial for parents who may need to be at home during regular working hours. This has attracted a significant number of non-traditional learners in various geographic locations where OBC operates.

2. On-campus childcare services

Access to affordable and reliable childcare is a significant concern for student-parents. Higher education institutions can alleviate this burden by providing on-campus childcare services. This support reduces the stress of finding suitable care and allows students to focus on their academic responsibilities.

Institutions can offer subsidised childcare services to make it more affordable for students. This financial assistance can be a game-changer for those who might otherwise struggle to cover the costs of quality childcare.

Creating designated spaces where parents can study while their children engage in supervised activities can also be beneficial. These spaces provide a supportive environment for student-parents to manage their academic workload alongside their parenting responsibilities.

3. Financial support and scholarships

Financial constraints are a common challenge for students, especially those with families. Higher education institutions can support these students by offering targeted financial support packages and scholarships specifically designed for those with dependants.

By establishing grants and scholarships that take family size and responsibilities into account, institutions can provide much-needed financial relief. These funds can help cover tuition, books and other educational expenses, reducing the financial strain.

Consider creating an emergency fund for students with families, providing a safety net for those who encounter unexpected financial difficulties. This fund can help cover urgent expenses, such as unexpected childcare costs.

4. Comprehensive support services

Higher education institutions should offer a range of support services tailored to the unique needs of students with families. These services can include academic advising, counselling and mentoring programmes, designed to help student-parents navigate the complexities of balancing school and family life. At OBC, student services operate seven days a week, including late evenings and through virtual means. The effectiveness of these services has also been widely appreciated in the National Student Survey 2024.

Academic advisers trained to understand the challenges faced by student-parents can provide personalised guidance on course selection, time management and academic planning. This support can help students make informed decisions that align with their family commitments and career goals.

While access to mental health counselling is crucial for all students, it is particularly important for those juggling multiple roles. Counselling services that address stress management, family dynamics and personal well-being can help students support their families, maintain their mental health and succeed academically.

Pairing student-parents with mentors who have successfully navigated similar challenges can also provide valuable support and encouragement. Mentors can offer practical advice, share experiences and serve as role models, helping students with families feel less isolated and more empowered.

5. Family-friendly campus policies and infrastructure

Creating a family-friendly campus environment is essential for supporting students with families. This involves implementing policies and building infrastructure that cater to the needs of student-parents.

Providing affordable family housing on or near campus where possible can significantly ease the burden on travel. Family housing allows students to live close to their academic resources and support systems, reducing the time and stress that can be associated with commuting.

Designing campus spaces that accommodate families can also make a substantial difference. This includes creating child-friendly study areas, family lounges and playgrounds where children can play safely while their parents study or attend meetings. 

At OBC, we are actively working on incorporating residential spaces and “sticky spaces” for staff and students in one of our prospective campuses. These residential spaces will provide on-campus living arrangements, ensuring convenience and a sense of community for both students and staff. “Sticky spaces”, designed to foster informal interactions and collaborations, will include areas like cafes, comfortable lounges and multipurpose rooms where people can gather, work and socialise. These initiatives aim to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all members of the college community, enhancing both academic and personal experiences.

Implementing policies that support work-life balance is crucial. For example, allowing students to take leaves of absence without academic penalty or offering part-time study options can help them manage their responsibilities more effectively.

Supporting students with families requires a broad approach that addresses their unique needs and challenges. By offering flexible scheduling, on-campus childcare, financial support, comprehensive services and family-friendly campus policies, higher education institutions can create an inclusive environment where all students have the opportunity to succeed. These initiatives not only benefit student-parents but also contribute to a more diverse and enriched academic community. As more institutions recognise the importance of supporting students with families, the higher education landscape will become more equitable and accessible for everyone.

Fawad Inam is executive principal at Oxford Business College.

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