Authentic assessment design for computer programming master’s coursesA four-step plan for more meaningful assessment that incorporates AI-assisted evaluation, group discussions and presentationsThomas Selig, Ling WangXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Brainstorming benefits of an AI writing assistant appUser needs, smart prompts and functionality were central to creating an AI tool that supports student writing and thinking. Here, Joanne Chia and Angela Frattarola share the pedagogical and technical considerations involved in the processJoanne Chia, Angela FrattarolaNanyang Technological University
How to reimagine an existing subjectImmersive technology and student co-creation allowed educators to revamp a general education course. Here’s how they did it Kai Pan Mark, Wai Chi Rodney ChuThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
When to use an AI professor (and why you might not need one)Selective embrace of artificial intelligence is key to its success in supporting student learning. Here, Leonard Ng Wei Tat shares lessons from building an effective AI teaching assistant Leonard Ng Wei TatNanyang Technological University
Rewild your campusIntentional planting and water and soil conservation can encourage wildlife back to our campuses and create a rich learning environmentDeepta SateeshManipal Academy of Higher Education
Kickstart your educational research journeyEducational research can help elevate your teaching to the next level. Here’s how to get started Oran Devilly, Kenan Kok Xiao-Feng , Ching Yee Pua, Shermain PuahSingapore Institute of Technology
‘We should focus on the effect of the technology rather than the technology itself’How much tech is helpful in the classroom? Highlighting both benefits and drawbacks, John Komar explains how computer vision and AI can reinforce personal connections and interactions between teacher and studentsJohn KomarNanyang Technological University
Say goodbye to boring presentationsGenAI can supercharge your PowerPoint presentations to offer students interactive opportunities that increase participation and deepen learning. Here’s how Chaonan XuXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Each discipline has a part to playA guide to conducting preliminary research, setting goals and defining each member’s level of input to an interdisciplinary research projectEstu Putri WilujengThe University of Indonesia
How to get students interested in interdisciplinary workProviding real-world opportunities, incentives and spaces for interdisciplinary work enables undergraduate students to explore important solutions to complex issuesSambit DashManipal Academy of Higher Education
How to prevent compassion fatigueMany educators experience compassion fatigue at some point in their careers. Prevent it by shifting your perspective, setting boundaries and building strong support networksBhawana ShresthaXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Providing the right resources for students who work alongside studyStudent services and scholarships are among the support systems that can help students manage a job in tandem with their university educationCheong FanMacau University of Science and Technology
How a liberal arts college can embrace AI toolsLingnan University president Joe Qin offers advice on using generative AI, building up the science side of liberal arts education and how to encourage staff to share their ideasJoe QinLingnan University
Tips for designing interprofessional education courses in healthcareAdapting to and collaborating with other professionals is essential in medicine. Here’s how to nurture an interdisciplinary mindset from the very startHajer N. Sheikh, Umamah Rehman Dubai Medical College for Girls
The evolution of assignments in the age of generative AIInstead of cracking down on AI use for written assignments, we just need to make our assessment smarterMiriam WunSingapore Institute of Technology
An insider’s guide to how students use GenAI toolsThere’s no doubt students are using GenAI in their assignments – but how? Miriam Wun and Nah Yong En talked to students to find outMiriam Wun, Nah Yong EnSingapore Institute of Technology
The AI genie is out of the bottle – now what?Generative AI is here to stay, so let’s build AI literacy, incorporate AI into assessment and craft solid policies for its useAida Nuranova, Timothy WawnNazarbayev University
Harness the power of AI to preserve endangered art formsResearchers breathed new life into Cantonese porcelain painting techniques using AI, equipping a new generation with traditional skills. Here’s how they did itHenry DuhThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Staying agile is the key to effective HE leadershipChange is inevitable, and higher education leaders must have the agility to keep up. Here is how to go from a reactive to a proactive approachShuri Mariasih Gietty TambunanThe University of Indonesia
Tips for fostering student engagement in blended learningStudents can often feel disengaged in a blended learning environment. Here’s how to spark their curiosity and give them ownership of their learning journeyChing Yee Pua, Kenan Kok Xiao-Feng , Oran Devilly, Shermain PuahSingapore Institute of Technology
Teaching region-specific political science courses: Hong Kong as a case studyStrategies implemented in two Hong Kong-specific courses aim to ensure students unfamiliar with the region remain as engaged in the learning process as local studentsAdrian Man-Ho LamThe University of Hong Kong
The pros and cons of peer reviewingWeighing up whether to take on the role of peer reviewer? Arina Ziganshina draws on her own experience to outline the upsides and downsidesArina ZiganshinaDubai Medical College for Girls
Using literature to increase students’ empathyAsking students to reflect on emotions through literary works can enhance their empathy. Here are some tried and tested methodsRouli EstherThe University of Indonesia
‘Students need to take responsibility for class participation’Questions to encourage undergraduates to contribute to class content or in discussion help them develop skills for academia and the workplace. Mariano Carrera shares his experience from teaching in ThailandMariano CarreraKing Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
Engaging students through poster presentations: a case studyRead about how a poster presentation task can promote students’ engagement with course content and each otherQingyang SunXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Eight steps to launch a student-led peer-review journalTo help PhD students gain the skills required for publication and improve research literacy, consider an in-house academic journalAndrew Drybrough, Philip MontgomeryNazarbayev University
How living with blepharospasm helped me become a better teacher Read about a strategy that helped an educator living with an eye condition build emotional resilience and create a more inclusive classroom environment Bhawana ShresthaXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
GenAI can help literature students think more criticallyIs ChatGPT destroying critical thinking, or is it allowing us to reconsider how we teach it? This resource explores some ways to empower literature students to use it to deepen their understandingShuri Mariasih Gietty TambunanThe University of Indonesia
A four-step process to transform everyone into a fact-checkerThe 4-Check strategy can help combat misinformation in the digital age. Here’s how to use itStephanie Jean TsangHong Kong Baptist University
A practical guide to writing a literature reviewFrom organising key search terms to checking citations, this video offers simple, practical tips to crafting a literature review that will lay a sound foundation for your academic paperBareq Ali AbdulhadiAl-Mustaqbal University
Escape the class! Tips for creating virtual educational escape roomsWith games, tasks and a story, a virtual escape room can make ‘dry’ subjects more engaging for students working outside their majors, writes Cecilia Teng. Here, she gives educators steps for creating their ownCecilia TengNational University of Singapore
Creativity and innovation are the keys to reshaping learning To keep education relevant and students engaged, classrooms have to move with the times. Here are several ways to keep pace with technological changeLim Jun Wei , Ho Yeek Chia, Boredi Silas ChidiUniversiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) , Cape Peninsula University of Technology
How can universities encourage active ageing? As life expectancies rise, universities must prepare to welcome more older students. Here are some ways to ensure institutions are inclusive spaces for these learnersHusnul FitriThe University of Indonesia
How to demonstrate the value of online education to paying studentsScalability and flexibility are just two benefits that online learning offers students in the MENA region. Here’s how to let potential students know why they should enrolMohamed Abuelseoud AbdelzaherAl-Mustaqbal University
We use ChatGPT to give feedback on students’ abstractsTeaching students whose first language is not English to write concise abstracts helps them develop their academic writing skills, but providing feedback on them can often be laborious. Here is how you can use ChatGPT to speed up the processYu Liu , Shuhao (Jeremy) Zhang Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Create engaging educational video content using these cognitive theoriesThe power of video content to engage an audience is widely known, but creating effective videos requires a considered approach. Here are 15 principles to bear in mindFA Triatmoko HSThe University of Indonesia
Low-cost ways to support women academicsOffering mentorship opportunities, supporting peer groups and addressing bias are some of the ways institutions can support women academicsAsri Saraswati The University of Indonesia
Practical strategies for greener transportation on your university campusFocusing on electric vehicle use and optimising lead-acid batteries, Kumar Tripathi shares practical tips for improving campus sustainability through greener transport, based on a pilot studyAbhishek Kumar Tripathi Aditya University
We’re living in a world of artificial intelligence – it’s academic publishing that needs to changeScholars are using generative AI to assist them with writing articles, but should they be punished for it? The academic publishing community may need to change its mindset, writes Benjamin Luke MoorhouseBenjamin Luke MoorhouseHong Kong Baptist University
For truly practical learning, embrace an interdisciplinary approachBringing different fields of study together into one practical assignment, focused on a real-world problem, proved to be a game-changer in a sector shifting towards interdisciplinarity. Here's how it workedZulkifli Merican Aljunid Merican , Lim Jun Wei Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP)
These AI tools can help prepare future programmers for the workplaceHow educators can teach programming students to use AI tools to enhance productivityRohini RaoManipal Academy of Higher Education
Struggle, strength and growth: a holistic approach to embracing changeIn preparing for their careers, students need skills to manage the demands that a changing world will place on their internal and external lives. These five stages aim to help them develop adaptability, resilience and psychological growthKathleen Chim, Lai Tsz Chui, Benjamin Tak Yuen ChanHong Kong Metropolitan University
Let me introduce you to the art of saying helloA creative introduction sparks engagement, builds rapport and creates an atmosphere conducive to learning. Here are ways to make a good first impressionVik Perez Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Lessons from evolutionary biology to prepare students in an uncertain worldUniversities are charged with developing the next generation for a future we can’t predict. Here are three lessons from evolutionary biology to make sense of a changing world – and three skills the workforce of tomorrow will need Lakshmi GoelAl Akhawayn University
Retaining qualified IT staff is the key to cyber resiliencePractical guidance on training and empowering staff to maintain robust cyber-defences that protect students, the workforce and the institution as a wholePetrus Mursanto The University of Indonesia
Quality is the best policy in research How to establish and promote adherence to protocols, ensure accurate and secure data handling and nurture a culture of transparency to improve the quality of research outputSrinivas Mutalik Manipal Academy of Higher Education
How to cultivate a green campus: the journey to carbon neutralityAchieving carbon neutrality is not an easy task but it is a necessary one. Here are four strategies to achieve itKay Choy, Jimmy Lam, Kenny ChanHong Kong Baptist University
Teach research methodology using these low-prep exercisesUse these engaging exercises to gently introduce your undergraduate students to research methodsAdrian Man-Ho LamThe University of Hong Kong
Embedding the SDGs into curricula via an interdisciplinary approachIncorporating the SDGs into teaching involves facilitating project collaboration among students from different disciplines. Here are examples of how this can work in practiceSambit Dash, Guruprasad Rao, Preetham KumarManipal Academy of Higher Education
Building a sustainable future on campusWork towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals starts from the ground up. Here’s how to cultivate a greener campusGerry WeeSingapore Institute of Technology