Saudi academic reaches out to Israelis through Hebrew article Research and discussion about early Islam could represent a ‘step towards political and economic cooperation’ Matthew Reisz 7月 18日
Singapore institute looks for solutions in Asian conflict hotspots NUS centre starts work with China-India relations, before turning to Sino-Japanese ties Joyce Lau 7月 16日
Outspoken law scholar stripped of Tsinghua duties China's top university has reportedly taken action against Xu Zhangrun, who called for government accountability Joyce Lau 7月 14日
Security law has immediate chilling effect on Hong Kong campuses Fear permeates all aspects of higher education, from classroom teaching to overseas funding Joyce Lau 7月 13日
Professor: challenge China on policy efficacy, not human rights Chinese studies expert says scholars should focus on describing and analysing events in Xinjiang rather than political activism Ellie Bothwell 7月 9日
女性能突破亚洲大学的“网状天花板”吗? 按照国际标准,女性在亚洲学术界高级职位中的比例很低。有一些令人鼓舞的迹象表明这一问题正在得到解决。但新冠疫情的封锁对女性的过度影响会否使这一良好进展蒙受损失? Joyce Lau 7月 9日
Gao kao under way despite virus concern and fairness criticism China holds what is probably the world’s largest in-person event since Covid-19 began Joyce Lau 7月 8日
Tsinghua law professor detained after outspoken criticism Friends say Xu Zhangrun was taken from his home, months after he was suspended by his university Joyce Lau 7月 7日
Hong Kong scholars may stay abroad to evade security law’s reach London-based China expert fears arrest over critical comments if he returns to city following introduction of new legislation Jack Grove 7月 6日
Help announced to avoid ‘lost generation’ of students in Indonesia Emergency measures exemplify different treatment of public and private universities, critics say John Ross 7月 6日
Online education: how Hong Kong got ahead of the game Even before coronavirus hit, Hong Kong was investing in new types of online education that challenge teaching conventions Joyce Lau 6月 26日