帕拉茨基大学Research at Palacký

Research at Palacký


Palacký University Olomouc categorises itself as a scientific university. In addition to quality teaching, its employees and students have leading shown in an outstanding performance in the fields of science and research. They have at their disposition modern facilities equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, the leading positions taken by recently founded science-research centres with international acclaim. And due to its outstanding publications in the areas of science and research, Palacký University has placed in international.

Key directions in research

Key research activities are directed toward Biomedicine and Biotechnology. Since 2012 this has been achieved especially by the Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, which is aimed mainly at research into tumorous and infectious diseases, and the development of new diagnostic procedures and medicines. A new building addition, The Theoretical Institutes of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, further extended the scientific and teaching capacity of Palacký University.

Olomouc scientists have achieved outstanding results especially in the fields of Optics, Plant Molecular and Cell Biology, Material Chemistry and Nanotechnology, Ornithology, and Particle PhysicsThe Regional Centre for Advanced Technologies and Materials is concerned mainly with chemical, material, and optical research. Workers at the Centre for the Haná Region for Biotechnical and Agricultural Research are also at the top of their fields worldwide. They have a number of successes, from improving the qualities of barley via genetic modifications to decoding the bread wheat genome sequence.

Science and research are being conducted at other faculties as well. The influence of German intellectuals on Czech culture is being studied by experts at the Research Centre for German Moravian Literature. Important works of European Christian culture are being made available to the public by the Centre for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts at the Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology. The Faculty of Education is using its new research-educational complex with unique speech therapy laboratory, a lab for the visually impaired, and other specialised workplaces.

The BALUO Application Centre has been launched at the Faculty of Physical Culture. It combines research into movement and lifestyle with everyday life. Forming a bridge between theory and practise, the Centre for Clinical Law Education at the Faculty of Law is recognised as a leader in Clinical Law Education at both Czech and international universities.

Patents and licences

Palacký University Olomouc is the holder of more than 150 patents and utility models, which are available for your enterprise. All published patent applications and granted patents, as well as utility model applications and industrial designs, are listed in the database of the Industrial Property Office (insert “Palacký University” as the Holder). More applications can be found in the Espacenet database.

Science & research centres at Palacký University

Science centres

Research centres

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Key facts about us 

Palacký University Olomouc in the year 2016:

  • 20,928 students in accredited study programmes
  • 332 accredited study programmes of various forms
  • 84 accredited study programmes in various forms taught in foreign languages
  • 15,590 students receiving scholarships in 2016
  • 27,338 applications for studies
  • 4037 graduating students in 2016
  • 427 students paying full tuition
  • 1129 accepted international students for study stays
  • 411 courses of lifelong learning
  • 329 academic and scientific employees with foreign citizenship
  • 10 professors named in 2016 on the proposal of the UP Scholarly Board (another 2 were nominated by Masaryk University and Mendel University in Brno)
  • 24 docents named in 2016
  • 154 academic conferences, including international ones
  • 930 experts from the professional sector took part in teaching

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