- Award winner: Philip Cowen
Institution: University of Oxford
Value: £1,698,664
Clinical psychopharmacology of 5-HT
- Award winner: Mark Johnson
Institution: Birkbeck, University of London
Value: £1,694,896
The typical and atypical development of the social brain during infancy
- Award winner: Matthias Englert
Institution: University of Warwick
Value: £207,818
Randomisation in online algorithms, load balancing and other dynamic problems
- Award winner: Sarah Zerbes
Institution: Imperial College London
Value: £243,769
Explicit reciprocity laws for p-adic fields
- Award winner: Jonathan Pridham
Institution: University of Cambridge
Value: £200,784
Topological methods in algebraic geometry
- Award winner: Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
Institution: University of Oxford
Value: £228,858
Algebraic and coalgebraic semantics for knowledge acquisition: foundations, applications and tool support
- Award winner: Peter Blood
Institution: Cardiff University
Value: £538,569
Access to nanoscience and nanotechnology equipment at Cardiff
- Award winner: Bruce Hamilton
Institution: University of Manchester
Value: £76,819
Development of optical spin-resonance methods with advanced light sources
- Award winner: Ekaterina Komendantskaya
Institution: University of St Andrews
Value: £246,042
Computational logic in artificial neural networks
- Award winner: John Fisher
Institution: University of Leeds
Value: £697,648
Leeds EPSRC nanoscience and nanotechnology research equipment facility
- Award winner: Malcolm Anderson
Institution: University of Bristol
Value: £228,052
Guided access to high-speed contact atomic-force microscopy and photonic-force microscopy at the Nanoscience and Quantum Information Centre
- Award winner: Will Dison
Institution: Heriot-Watt University
Value: £195,766
Subgroups of direct products and right-angled Artin groups
- Award winner: Edward Segal
Institution: Imperial College London
Value: £217,190
Some mathematical aspects of the Calabi-Yau/Landau-Ginzburg correspondence
- Award winner: James Brotherston
Institution: Imperial College London
Value: £257,783
Cyclic proofs for logic-based program verification
- Award winner: Julian Sonner
Institution: Imperial College London
Value: £240,019
Geometric phases in string theory
- Award winner: Jon Duffy
Institution: University of Warwick
Value: £13,725
Three peer-approved experiments at SPring-8: spin transitions in LaCoO3; magnetism in DyCo2; ferromagnetism and superconductivity at oxide interfaces
- Award winner: Gillian Gehring
Institution: University of Sheffield
Value: £26,747
Visiting fellowship for A. Taraphder: Theory of magnetism with temporal disorder applied to magnetically doped ZnO
- Award winner: Ron Doney
Institution: University of Manchester
Value: £12,325
The reflected process of a random walk
- Award winner: Nicholas Young
Institution: University of Leeds
Value: £12,457
The magic functions of a domain
- Award winner: Peter Green (University of Manchester), Niki Trigoni (University of Oxford)
Value: £861,058 (Manchester), £338,559 (Oxford)
Actuated acoustic sensor networks for industrial processes (AASN4IP)
- Award winner: Miles Tight
Institution: University of Leeds
Value: £1,101,084
Visions of the role of walking and cycling in 2030
- Award winner: David Greenaway
Institution: University of Nottingham
Value: £162,862
An open-access centre for nanoscale analysis and fabrication.