Award winner: Anne Gerritsen
Institution: University of Warwick
Value: £168,923
Global Jingdezhen: local manufactures and Early Modern global connections
Award winner: Margit Thofner
Institution: University of East Anglia
Value: £318,172
Icon? Art and belief in Norfolk
Award winner: Richard Aldrich
Institution: University of Warwick
Value: £444,656
Landscapes of secrecy: the Central Intelligence Agency and the contested record of US foreign policy, 1947-2001
Award winner: Lotte Hughes
Institution: Open University
Value: £369,114
Managing heritage, building peace: museums, memorialisation and the uses of memory in Kenya
Award winner: Karen Radner
Institution: University College London
Value: £399,986
Mechanisms of communication in an ancient empire: the correspondence between the King of Assyria and his magnates in the 8th century BC
Award winner: Valerie Fraser
Institution: University of Essex
Value: £476,616
Meeting margins: transnational art in Latin American and Europe, 1950-78
Award winner: Elton Barker
Institution: University of Oxford
Value: £66,724
Network, relation, flow: imaginations of space in Herodotus' history
Award winner: Lynda Morris
Institution: Norwich School of Art and Design
Value: £165,670
Picasso: Peace or Freedom major exhibition Tate Liverpool 2010. Preliminary international conference 2008. Publication themes Cold War USSR
Award winner: Peter King
Institution: Open University
Value: £98,440
Police, press, public and the "celebrity female victim" in Britain, 1926-30
Award winner: Raymond Boyle
Institution: University of Glasgow
Value: £158,103
Public understanding of business: Television, representation and entrepreneurship
Award winner: Julian Savulescu
Institution: University of Oxford
Value: £571,412
Science and religious conflict
Award winner: Keith Hyams
Institution: University of Exeter
Value: £129,8
Sharing nature's bounty: the moral case for a universal equal endowment of resources and its political implications
Award winner: Patricia Noxolo
Institution: Loughborough University
Value: £46,366
Space and place in translation: postcolonial geographies in the work of Wilson Harris and Maryse Conde
Award winner: Margaret Holloway
Institution: University of Hull
Value: £90,982
Spirituality in contemporary funerals
Award winner: Thomas Betteridge
Institution: Oxford Brookes University
Value: £382,288
Staging the Henrician court
Award winner: Simon Kirby
Institution: University of Edinburgh
Value: £168,993
The emergence of evolutionary thinking in linguistics: towards a new conceptual framework
Award winner: Alasdair Whittle
Institution: Cardiff University
Value: £610,1
The first farmers of Central Europe - diversity in LBK lifeways
Award winners: Shaun Richardson and Duncan Quincey
Institution: University of Aberystwyth
Value: £28,500
Small emergency grant to investigate summer flooding in northern Pakistan
The ESRC is investing £6 million to create four capacity-building clusters in business research and engagement. Each of the four, which are listed below, will facilitate the exchange of knowledge between the research base and business.
Award winner: Retail industry business engagement network, led by Neil Wrigley
Institution: University of Southampton
Value: £1,454,650
Award winner: Creative industries in Scotland: capitalising on creativity, led by Barbara Townley
Institution: University of St Andrews
Value: £1,494,491
Award winner: Sport, leisure and tourism, led by Tim Coles
Institution: University of Exeter
Value: £1,491,780
Award winner: Engaging research for business transformation (energy, financial services, health technologies), led by M.A. West
Institution: University of Aston
Value: £1,494,850.