A new map of the North East of England reveals a host of hitherto unrecorded boundaries that will variously be hailed as "ace", "champion", "choz", "cushty", "daza" or "mint". Michael Pearce of the University of Sunderland's English department has created a perceptual dialect map of the region with the help of more than 1,600 volunteers from Berwick to Darlington. Users can click on different areas of the map to find out more about the local use of words, phrases and pronunciation. Dr Pearce said: "Depending on where you're from, and also how old you are, you might call your sweets 'bullets', or perhaps you prefer 'kets'? Is where you live your 'hame' or your 'hyem' or even your 'yem'?"
See: drmichaelpearce.blogspot.com.