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Azerbaijan medical university

2024 Impact Rankings
Anvar Qasimzada, 14 BAKI, Baku, AZ1022, Azerbaijan

关于 Azerbaijan medical university

Azerbaijan medical university dates back to 1930. It is Azerbaijan’s sole medical university and the nation’s largest centre for medical and other scientific research.

It expanded in the early 2000's by opening clinics offering dentistry, oncology, teaching therapy, and a 500-bed teaching surgery facility started in 2013. It has also, since 2000, provided two-year military medicine courses for officers in the armed forces. Recent developments include the creation of a department of orthodontics as part of the dentistry faculty.

Students are divided across faculties of general medicine, dentistry, pharmaceuticals, public health and military medicine. The university is also home to many international students from a range of countries including Turkey and Iran.

Student exchanges have been conducted since 2017 with Koc University in Turkey.

Six hostels with a total capacity of 1700 are provided for students – two for men, two for women and two for international students.

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