A guide to applying to university in Turkey

There are 208 universities in Turkey, offering more than 45,000 programmes – and tuition fees and living costs are generally affordable

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Farah Arshad

SICAS, Pakistan
3 Sep 2024
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Istanbul University
image credit: istock/foto-ianniello.

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Turkey is a hub of academic achievement, with 94.2 per cent of students enrolled in higher education.

There are 208 universities in Turkey, offering more than 45,000 programmes. Many programmes at Turkish universities are taught in English, making it easy for international students to adapt. Students are able to participate in exchange programmes, such as Erasmus+ and Mevlana.

Tuition fees and living costs are affordable. The average cost of living in Istanbul, excluding rent, is about TL12,500 (USD$1,700) a month. Scholarships are available for international students.

Turkey has four distinct seasons and facilities and sites for great sporting activities, such as swimming, skiing and rafting. Students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Turkey’s rich cultural heritage, where diverse civilisations have coexisted for millennia.

How to apply to Turkish universities

There is no central application system, so students must apply to each individual university.

Students are required to provide the following documents:

  • High school transcript with expected grades
  • Certificates of any other academic records
  • Language proficiency score in the language of tuition – normally English or Turkish
  • Letter of motivation
  • Proof of finances
  • Application fee – usually between USD$35 and USD$100

International student exam (YÖS)

YÖS is a standardised exam required for international students applying to some Turkish foundation universities. The exam is typically held in Turkey or abroad, and results are announced by the relevant university.

Funding sources for international students wanting to study in Turkey

1. Government scholarships

2. University scholarships

The following Turkish universities offer financial assistance to international students. Universities may offer full or partial scholarships, tuition waivers or other forms of financial assistance. Check each university’s website for more information.

  • Istanbul University
  • Ankara University
  • Istanbul Bilgi University
  • Koç University
  • Bogaziçi University
  • Sabanci University
  • Bilkent University
  • Middle East Technical University (METU)
  • Istanbul Technical University
  • Yıldız Technical University
  • Özyeğin University
  • Kadir Has University

3. Private organisations and foundations

4. Online platforms

5. Other sources of funding

  • Turkish embassies and consulates
  • International organisations, such as the Fulbright Program

6. Right to work

International undergraduates can undertake paid employment after their first year of study. Graduate and doctoral students need a work permit from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

Applying for a scholarship to study in Turkey

Applying for a scholarship involves the following stages:

1. Preliminary assessment

All applications are evaluated based on basic criteria such as minimum academic grade, age limit and required documents.

2. Final elimination

Applications are carefully examined on a range of criteria, such as:

  • Academic status
  • Previous qualifications
  • Academic interests
  • Career goals
  • Consistency of preferences
  • Content and clarity of intention letter
  • Participation in social activities

3. Interview

Interviews are conducted in more than 100 countries, with videoconferencing used for countries where in-person interviews are not possible. Interviews assess candidates’ communication skills, motivation and adaptability.

4. Selection

Interview results are evaluated by a selection committee and the relevant departments or universities.

How to apply for a student visa for Turkey

Students can apply for a Turkish student visa 60 days before their intended departure – and should leave it no later than one month prior to their departure.

They can apply via their Turkish embassy or consulate, or through a third-party visa-application centre in their country of residence. Students are also able to apply for their visa online.

There are two types of student visa. Students enrolling for degree programmes or long-term educational courses should apply for the long-term student visa. (The short-term student visa is intended for introductory courses and short-term exchange programmes, and is valid for a maximum of only 90 days.)

Required documents

  • Completed Turkish student visa application form
  • Valid passport
  • Biometric photos
  • Booked flight tickets
  • Travel insurance
  • Letter of acceptance from an educational institution in Turkey
  • Proof of paid fees (if applicable)
  • Previous diplomas, certificates and transcripts
  • Proof of financial resources (bank statements, scholarship letter, sponsorship letter or proof of accommodation).

Processing time varies by country, ranging from three to 15 working days.

More information about applying for a Turkish student visa is available here.

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