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For Politecnico di Milano, sustainability is more than a slogan

At Politecnico di Milano, sustainability is incorporated into the curriculum to drive lasting sustainable development

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    Politecnico di Milano

    June 20 2024
    Politecnico di Milano rector


    Sponsored content: created in partnership with Politecnico di Milano.

    Many universities around the world have adopted sustainability as a guiding principle. At Politecnico di Milano (Polimi), this commitment goes beyond words and short-term initiatives to achieve a complete cultural shift. “We have embraced a comprehensive vision of sustainable development that transcends immediate actions,” explains Donatella Sciuto, the university’s rector. “Rather than focusing solely on isolated steps to reduce environmental impact, our institution has adopted a holistic vision that informs all our decisions.” 

    At Polimi, sustainability isn’t simply something to be found as part of the university’s mission statement. It’s integrated directly into the curriculum as a fundamental aspect of the institution’s educational strategy. Polimi’s approach to sustainable development integrates environmental respect, social responsibility, individual empowerment and technological advancement into a cohesive framework. 

    Polimi has committed to reducing energy consumption by 30 per cent by 2025, installing photovoltaic systems to boost renewable energy use and investing in the regeneration of spaces that comply with the university’s net zero emissions pledge. The pledge extends to the university’s Milano Bovisa campus development project. 

    Serving as a guide for Polimi’s ethos are the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The university’s Strategic Sustainability Plan 2023-2025 is a testament to its commitment to fostering sustainable development within and beyond the academic community, with each of the plan’s initiatives aligned with a specific SDG.

    “For instance, in accordance with SDG three on promoting good health and well-being, Polimi has launched dual career scholarships that allow our student athletes to pursue their educational goals without compromising their sporting careers,” says Sciuto. Similarly, aligning with SDGs eight and 10, which relate to economic growth and reducing inequality, the university is expanding its welfare services, focusing on vulnerable groups within its community.

    “We recognise that our role extends beyond preparing professionals and technicians in fields such as design, architecture and engineering,” Sciuto continues. “We have been developing new specialised programmes aimed at developing specific skills as well as cross-disciplinary and preparatory teaching content for all study programmes.”

    The university has established a high-level training course called the PoliMI Ambassador Programme, which is open to all disciplines. These courses create new professional leaders in areas such as green technologies, smart infrastructure and inclusivity design. Polimi’s open online course platform promotes an open-minded and interdisciplinary approach to study, encouraging lifelong learning and a deeper understanding of the critical challenges we face today. 

    Polimi also offers a dedicated two-year master’s degree in transformative sustainability, in collaboration with Bocconi University, which combines advanced technologies and social sciences. “Graduates from the programme can become sustainability change-makers,” Sciuto says.

    Polimi is aware that the variety of options available to students looking to improve their sustainable skills can promote sustainability further. The university pursues collaborations and partnerships to foster sustainable development in its local community, as well as Italy and Europe more broadly.

    Whether working locally or collaborating with institutions across the globe, Polimi understands that sharing knowledge and committing to joint research are good practices for achieving shared goals aimed at enhancing human well-being. “Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond Polimi’s campus boundaries,” Sciuto explains. “We actively engage with local communities, European networks and global forums to drive positive change and contribute to a more sustainable future.”

    “Polimi is deeply engaged with the local community and collaborates continually with the municipality of Milan on different areas related to sustainable urban development. We also collaborate with many European universities,” Sciuto notes. Polimi is part of university groups such as the IDEA League, which is a strategic alliance between five leading universities of science and technology in Europe, and the International Sustainable Campus Network, which offers an international forum for institutions to share knowledge to achieve sustainability in campus operations, research and teaching. “By sharing knowledge and expertise, we contribute to sustainable development across the continent,” Sciuto concludes.

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