
Sunil Manghani and his young daughter find quietude as apprentice calligraphers practising the Japanese art of shodo, the way of writing

15 April

In pursuing excellence, whether in golf or in research, the time invested in training and preparation is vital. So how long should a master's degree be? asks Don Olcott Jr

8 April

Computing courses must address the fact that most IT failures are due to human error and management problems, says Darrell Ince

8 April

Both vice-chancellors and academics enjoyed healthy pay rises in 2008-09, although they may seem a distant memory to those now feeling the pinch. Using an exclusive analysis by Grant Thornton, John Morgan and Hannah Fearn look at who got what in the last year of plenty

1 April

Although vice-chancellors' pay packets rival those of top private-sector CEOs, they shoulder few of the same competitive burdens, Iain Pears notes, while doing great harm to UK academia

1 April

...or, why cars have speedometers. 'Persistent violator' Lou Marinoff on nirvana in the fast lane, governmental highway robbery and the dazzlingly effective absent-minded-professor defence

1 April

Many of the UK's 'accidental' administrators think that their work is not valued and that their US counterparts enjoy higher status. John Morgan considers what gives the professional edge

25 March

The email conversations at the heart of 'Climategate' suggest a campaign to nobble journals, marginalise climate-change sceptics and withhold data from other researchers, says Andrew Montford

25 March

Lord Mandelson has wielded the axe on university spending, and whichever party wins the general election, further cuts are likely. Using an exclusive analysis of institutions' financial statements by Grant Thornton, Melanie Newman assesses the sector's fitness to ride out the tempest

18 March

American universities will soon have to be more open about tuition charges and student retention rates. Many fear that the push to provide consumer-oriented information will lead to even greater cuts in gover nment subsidies. Jon Marcus reports

11 March

Bureaucracy is an inescapable fact of life in today's academy. John Morgan unravels the true extent and consequences of red tape

4 March

British universities' inexorable loss of autonomy will soon reach the point of no return unless all institutions work together to win real public support for their sector, says Nigel Thrift

4 March

Harry Collins' research in the 1970s led him to realise that when scientists were trying to detect gravitational waves, there was no way of verifying that the detector itself was actually working...

25 February

Widening participation is a site of 'moral panic', marked by uncertainties over data and the efficacy of public funding. Despite all this, the academy is striving to deliver on its promise: greater equality. Rebecca Attwood writes

25 February

Socrates dreamt of a society of critical thinkers. Linda Elder explores how we can cultivate Socratic traits and methods to develop clear-headed and rational thought

18 February

John D. Brewer reflects on his passion for two artists who transcended social convention and produced work redolent of a bygone time and place

18 February

Many scholars feel that their freedom to question is in danger of being eroded or even lost. Zoe Corbyn examines the threat in the UK, while Christoph Bode and David Gunkel consider the state of affairs in Europe and America

11 February

Mike Petterson's geological expertise has seen him travel the world, but perhaps his greatest eureka moments have come in Afghanistan, amid his efforts to help rebuild a shattered country

11 February

The University of Hong Kong has rebuilt its curriculum from the ground up to embrace 'experiential learning' and internationalism so as to produce 'global citizens'. Hannah Fearn reports

4 February

Peter Lennox keeps chickens, and they have taught him a great deal about behaviour, ethics, evolution and the psychopathic nature of modern 'efficiency'

4 February

Politicians and people profess to prize authenticity and integrity, but discerning the truthful person from the sincere but self-deceived and the dissembling is tricky. Simon Blackburn ponders questions of virtue

4 February

When Bob Blaisdell was finally persuaded to use index cards for study, he became as obsessive about them as he was about the baseball cards of his youth

28 January

As universities agonise over greatly reduced funding from the state, David Greenaway reminds them that they were once much more financially self-reliant and would do well to rekindle the old spirit

28 January

Projects to boost staff wellbeing are all the rage, but some people wonder if the interest in workers' psychological health belies a rather less altruistic agenda. Melanie Newman reports

21 January

The universities that do well in Times Higher Education's Student Experience poll put students first, but as Rebecca Attwood learns, there is more than one way to do that

14 January

Many in the humanities feel that their disciplines and relevance are under attack. Matthew Reisz asks if 'the best that has been thought and said' still has a place in today's universities

7 January

Cheerless and drab but 'full of amazing stuff'. The British Library Newspapers collection at Colindale is moving and also becoming increasingly digitised. Huw Richards wonders if researchers will miss the feel of the paper beneath their fingers

7 January

For the young Robert Appelbaum, music was his guide, teaching him the language of life and leading him ever further away from the musicals of his parents to John Coltrane - and back

7 January

Bahram Bekhradnia discusses his experiences as an observer of Palestine's universities. Despite the manifold dangers posed by the Israeli occupation, they continue to succeed against the odds unbowed

31 December

A photography student's holiday snaps and a trip to the traffic-free streets of Mozambique led Caroline Knowles to embark on a project tracing the route to market of the common plastic flip-flop

31 December

A VIP visit and a gentleman surgeon turned a hospital stay into a fond memory for Janine Spencer

17 December

Books are essential tools of the scholarly trade, but Matthew Reisz meets some people whose relationship with texts goes beyond close reading

17 December

The Copenhagen summit is in full force, and so too is the idea that man-made global warming is incontrovertible. But Martin Cohen argues that the consensus is less a triumph of science and rationality than of PR and fear-mongering

10 December

Tertiary education in Finland is highly regarded worldwide, but Ed Dutton fears next year's legislative changes may not be an improvement

10 December

John D. Brewer reflects on the experiences that led him into sociology and drove his research interests over the following four decades

10 December

Sorcha Gunne and Zoë Brigley Thompson explain that they study rape and its narratives to understand and demythologise a difficult and unpleasant subject. But such is the taboo, it's tough to discuss their work openly

3 December

Goodbye, sweet Calliope, farewell Erato? In a consumerist world where speed and image rule, poetry's emotional meanings are being lost. Neil McBride muses, partly through verse, on the future of this embattled art

3 December

Bruno Cousin and Michèle Lamont say academics at France's public universities need to rethink their strategy after this year's protests alienated the public and had little impact on the Government

3 December

A dream about Bartôk brought Malcolm Gillies his conceptual breakthrough, although it would take him another five years to finish writing it down

26 November

Student satisfaction will be the arena where private and public universities will have to compete, reports Hannah Fearn

26 November

Some say mission groups help air vital issues collegially, but others think they selfishly expose the sector to divide-and-rule tactics. Melanie Newman looks at the group dynamics

19 November

Proof of the existence of extraterrestrial life may be closer than we think, thanks to a surge of research in astrobiology. Lewis Dartnell is determined to ascertain that we are not alone

19 November

We bring home mementoes because we want a tangible memory of a time or place. Ulrike Zitzlsperger ponders souvenirs and how they reshape history

19 November

History: fact or fiction? Ronald Hutton's early experience of discerning reality from fantasy has coloured his view of the subject since

12 November

Free, immediate and permanently available research results for all - that's what the open-access campaigners want. Unsurprisingly, the subscription publishers disagree. Zoë Corbyn weighs up the ramifications for journals, while Matthew Reisz asks how books will fare

12 November