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Best universities in Poland 2024

Explore the top universities in Poland using data from the Times Higher Education's World University Rankings 2024

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October 24 2023
Warsaw city centre


Top four universities in Poland 2024

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Poland rank 2024World University Rank 2024 World University Rank 2023 UniversityCity 
=1601–800 601–800 Jagiellonian UniversityCracow
=1601–800 801–1000 University of WarsawWarsaw
=1601–800 351–400 Wroclaw Medical UniversityWrocław
4801–1000 601–800 Medical University of LodzLodz

Poland’s education system has seen some extraordinary changes in recent years. As a result of a huge drive in the nation’s pursuit of a world-class schooling system in recent years, Poland is now home to more than 450 higher education institutions. Many of these institutions are specialised, unlike a lot of European universities, which tend to follow the traditional model of teaching and research in a wide range of disciplines. These are the best universities in Poland based on the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024.

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The increasing prestige of Poland’s higher education system is not the only thing the country has to offer. With a number of universities offering English-language courses, as well as low living costs, a rich cultural legacy and beautiful scenery, it easy to see why Poland is fast becoming a very popular place to study.

Among Poland’s academic alumni are some names you may be familiar with, including the first female Nobel prizewinner, Marie Curie (who is also the only woman to have won it twice), the composer Frédéric Chopin and the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus.

Top 3 universities in Poland

=1. Wroclaw Medical University

Wroclaw Medical University dates back to 1811 and is located in the city of Wroclaw.

There are four faculty specialisations at the university, including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and health sciences. The faculty of medicine is the oldest and largest faculty at the university and was established in 1945. It was the site of Poland’s first open heart surgery in 1958. It was performed by the same doctor who also performed the first kidney transplant from a living donor at the faculty.

Students can choose to study in English in the faculties of medicine, dentistry and health sciences, with the rest of faculties offering education in Polish.

2.University of Warsaw

The University of Warsaw is one of Poland’s largest institutions and also one of its most prestigious.

While most of the teaching is in Polish, the university offers more than 20 programmes that are taught in English, including courses in economics, business and political science.

The main campus of the university is located in the city centre of Warsaw and comprises several historic palaces.

Four University of Warsaw graduates have won Nobel prizes, including the physicist Joseph Rotblat and the former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin.

Other notable alumni include the composer Frédéric Chopin and David Ben-Gurion, the founding prime minister of Israel.

1. Jagiellonian University

Founded in 1364, Jagiellonian University is the oldest university in Poland.

The main campus is centrally located in Cracow, and the university has 16 faculties including humanities, law, natural and social sciences, and medicine.

The university library is one of Poland’s largest and houses several medieval manuscripts as well as an extensive collection of underground political literature.

More than 70 student associations are part of the university, usually to encourage students’ scientific achievements through organising lectures, excursions and international conferences.

Top universities in Poland 2024

Click each institution to view its full World University Rankings 2024 results

Poland rank 2024World University Rank 2024 World University Rank 2023 UniversityCity 
=1601–800 601–800 Jagiellonian UniversityCracow
=1601–800 801–1000 University of WarsawWarsaw
=1601–800 351–400 Wroclaw Medical UniversityWrocław
4801–1000 601–800 Medical University of LodzLodz
=51001–1200 1001–1200 Adam Mickiewicz University, PoznańPoznań
=51001–1200 1201–1500 AGH University of KrakowCracow
=51001–1200 1201–1500 Gdańsk University of TechnologyGdańsk
=51001–1200 1001–1200 Medical University of BialystokBialystok
=51001–1200 801–1000 Medical University of GdańskGdańsk
=51001–1200 NR Medical University of WarsawWarsaw
=51001–1200 1201–1500 Nicolaus Copernicus University in ToruńToruń
=51001–1200 1201–1500 Poznan University of Medical SciencesPoznań
=51001–1200 1001–1200 SWPS University of Social Sciences and HumanitiesWarsaw
=51001–1200 1201–1500 University of WrocławWrocław
=151201–1500 1201–1500 University of GdańskGdańsk
=151201–1500 1201–1500 The John Paul II Catholic University of LublinLublin
=151201–1500 1501+ Lodz University of TechnologyLodz
=151201–1500 NR Medical University of LublinLublin
=151201–1500 1501+ Medical University of Silesia in KatowiceKatowice
=151201–1500 1201–1500 Opole University of TechnologyOpole
=151201–1500 NR Poznań University of Life SciencesPoznań
=151201–1500 1201–1500 Poznan University of TechnologyPoznań
=151201–1500 1201–1500 Silesian University of TechnologyGliwice
=151201–1500 1201–1500 Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGWWarsaw
=151201–1500 1201–1500 Warsaw University of TechnologyWarsaw
=151201–1500 1201–1500 Wrocław University of Environmental and Life SciencesWrocław
=151201–1500 1501+ Wrocław University of Science and TechnologyWrocław
=281501+ 1501+ Bialystok University of TechnologyBialystok
=281501+ 1501+ Cracow University of TechnologyCracow
=281501+ NR Jan Kochanowski University in KielceKielce
=281501+ NR University of Life Sciences in LublinLublin
=281501+ 1501+ University of ŁódźLodz
=281501+ 1501+ Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS)Lublin
=281501+ 1501+ Rzeszów University of TechnologyRzeszów
=281501+ 1501+ SGH Warsaw School of EconomicsWarsaw
=281501+ 1501+ University of Silesia in KatowiceKatowice
=281501+ 1501+ University of Warmia and Mazury in OlsztynOlsztyn

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