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Ever-expanding numbers of doctoral students may suit universities, but one’s twenties should be a time for broad learning and professional development, not for burying oneself in detailed research, says Lincoln Allison

A decade of rule by the Hindu-nationalist BJP has seen a combustible mixture of technocratic reform and political interference in higher education. But the party’s below-par showing in this month’s general election has left some academics daring to hope for quieter days ahead. Helen Packer reports

Editor's pick

The challenges facing the planet can seem overwhelming, but a landmark THE event in Bangkok heard reasons for optimism amid the maelstrom

The head of Nanyang Technological University leverages the institution’s youthful vigour to put AI at the heart of learning and uses his research background to inform his leadership and help recruit potential Nobel prizewinners

  • Digital Universities Asia 2024

    Bali, Indonesia

    Inclusive education for the digital age

    Join us to address how Asian institutions can transform and empower staff, faculty and students with the digital skills needed to adapt and thrive in a society dominated by technology. We will explore how the higher education sector can harness the power of AI to create an inclusive and empowering learning environment.

    In Partnership with
  • HashtagHigherEd US 2024

    Pittsburgh, PA, United States

    Amplify institutional identity in a digital-first world

    This is a dedicated forum for higher education professionals in marketing, communications, and student recruitment to unite in sharing best practice strategies that amplify institutional identities in a digital-first world.  Join us to discuss the most common challenges in marketing, communications, branding and recruitment.

    In Partnership with
  • University Impact Forum: Climate Action 2024

    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Prioritising climate action on the global higher education agenda

    This dynamic forum, held ahead of COP29, will focus on SGD 13 for climate action, and how universities must play a pivotal role in meeting the needs of these cohorts by making climate action a core institutional objective. Join us to expand your network of colleagues who share the ambitions for expedited climate action.

    In Partnership with
    In partnership with