
Expert Q&A: Course design with strong pedagogy

Sophia Strickfaden, eLearning technologist for Colorado Colleges Online, talks through how to design online courses with strong pedagogy

Sophia Strickfaden's avatar
Colorado Community Colleges
7 Sep 2020
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Key Details

Learn about designing courses with strong pedagogy in this Q&A with eLearning technologist Sophia Strickfaden, filmed as part of REMOTE, the connected faculty summit. The virtual event showcased the best practices, techniques, and tools for online teaching in higher education. If you’re in a rush, browse the timeline below for the key topics covered and where in the video to find them. 

02:55 Key lessons on ensuring strong pedagogy within your course design 

05:33 How do you decide when to use synchronous and asynchronous classes or courses?  

08:10 What strategies can HE professionals use to ensure their students are really engaged in remote learning? 

12:01 Where can people find books with basic advice on online course design? 

14:33 Advice on open educational resources 

17:55 How can we effectively assess students in an online environment while protecting against plagiarism and maintaining authenticity and standards? 

22:12 How can instructors effectively teach students who are all working differently, some in person, some remotely and so on? 


This video was produced by REMOTE, the connected faculty summit, hosted by Arizona State University.  

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