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Best private universities in the United States 2022

Explore the best private universities in the US using Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education’s US College Rankings data 

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September 21 2021
Best private universities in the United States


Top 10 private universities in the US

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Private University Rank 2022US College Rank 2022UniversityCityState
11Harvard UniversityCambridgeMassachusetts
22Stanford UniversityStanfordCalifornia
33Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridgeMassachusetts
44Yale UniversityNew HavenConnecticut
55Duke UniversityDurhamNorth Carolina
66Brown UniversityProvidenceRhode Island
77California Institute of TechnologyPasadenaCalifornia
88Princeton UniversityPrincetonNew Jersey
=9=9Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimoreMaryland
=9=9Northwestern UniversityEvanstonIllinois

Many of the US’ highest-ranked universities are classified as private universities, including Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University and Yale University.

These universities are funded primarily through student tuition fees, which are generally higher than those of public universities. Accordingly, private universities usually have better staff-to-student ratios and more income for resources, which may be one reason they rank higher than the country’s public universities.

All the institutions in the prestigious Ivy League group are private universities.

We’ve pulled together a list of the top 100 private colleges in the US, based on data from the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education US College Rankings 2022. Private universities also dominated the top 100 of the overall ranking.

A number of liberal arts colleges including Williams College, Amherst College and Pomona College have also entered the top 100 private universities in the US.

The majority of private universities in the US are not-for-profit operations.

The WSJ/THE US College Ranking is a more student-centred ranking because of its emphasis on student outcomes and engagement. While previously we have used results from the US Student Survey for the ranking, we were unable to conduct a survey in 2020 and 2021 because of the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, we have used data from the 2019 survey to inform this year’s ranking. The full methodology can be found here.

Explore the US university ranking here
Best liberal arts colleges in the United States 
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Best public universities in the United States

Top 5 private universities in the US

5. Duke University

-Duke University is a private research university in Durham, North Carolina and was founded by Methodists and Quakers in 1838.
-It was originally located in the town of Trinity before moving to Durham in 1892.

The original campus was rebuilt in a Georgian architectural style and is now known as East Campus, after the 1930 addition of West Campus, Gothic in style and home to the impressive Duke Chapel tower.

There are 10 schools and colleges; the oldest is Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, founded in 1859, and the youngest is the Nicholas School of the Environment, established just 25 years ago.

4. Yale University

-Notable graduates of Yale University include former US secretaries of state Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, and actor Meryl Streep.
-Alumni also include five US presidents, 20 Nobel prizewinners and 32 Pulitzer prizewinners. 

Yale is famous for its secret societies, including Scroll and Key and Skull and Bones, which started admitting women only in 1991. There are also plenty of student societies that aren’t so secret, such as the mathematics society, Chinese students’ society, foosball club and the chamber orchestra. 

3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

-The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has more than 500 recognised student activity groups. One of these is the student newspaper, The Tech, which is published in print and online.
-MIT also sponsors 31 varsity sports and has one of the broadest NCAA Division III athletic programmes.  

MIT has never awarded an honorary degree, nor does it award athletic scholarships. It has only twice awarded honorary professorships, to former British prime minister Winston Churchill in 1949 and to author Salman Rushdie in 1993. 

2. Stanford University

-Stanford University was founded in 1885 by Jane and Leland Stanford, in the heart of what is now Silicon Valley.
-Stanford counts 19 Nobel laureates within its community today, as well as numerous famous alumni in the worlds of art, social sciences, business, politics, humanities, media, sports and technology. 

In total, companies founded by Stanford affiliates and alumni generate more than $2.7 trillion in annual revenue, which would be the 10th largest economy in the world. These companies include Google, Nike, Netflix, Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems, Instagram and Charles Schwab. 

1. Harvard University

-It’s no surprise that Harvard University tops this list, considering that it also took the top spot in the overall WSJ/THE US College Ranking 2022.
-Harvard has also been a mainstay at the top of the THE Reputation Ranking for the past nine years.

The cost of attending Harvard is high, with tuition fees averaging about $43,000 a year. However, the university offers generous financial aid packages for less advantaged students.

According to the university’s website, it has stepped up financial aid by 75 per cent since 2007, and is now offering about $170 million a year to students. In fact, 50 per cent of students receive financial aid.

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Top 100 private universities in the US

Private University Rank 2022US College Rank 2022UniversityCityState
11Harvard UniversityCambridgeMassachusetts
22Stanford UniversityStanfordCalifornia
33Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridgeMassachusetts
44Yale UniversityNew HavenConnecticut
55Duke UniversityDurhamNorth Carolina
66Brown UniversityProvidenceRhode Island
77California Institute of TechnologyPasadenaCalifornia
88Princeton UniversityPrincetonNew Jersey
=9=9Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimoreMaryland
=9=9Northwestern UniversityEvanstonIllinois
1111Cornell UniversityIthacaNew York
1212University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphiaPennsylvania
1313Dartmouth CollegeHanoverNew Hampshire
1414The University of ChicagoChicagoIllinois
1515Vanderbilt UniversityNashvilleTennessee
1616Columbia UniversityNew YorkNew York
1717Washington University in St LouisSaint LouisMissouri
1818Rice UniversityHoustonTexas
1919University of Southern CaliforniaLos AngelesCalifornia
2020Emory UniversityAtlantaGeorgia
2121Carnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburghPennsylvania
2222Amherst CollegeAmherstMassachusetts
2323Williams CollegeWilliamstownMassachusetts
2425Pomona CollegeClaremontCalifornia
2526New York UniversityNew YorkNew York
2628University of Notre DameNotre DameIndiana
2729Swarthmore CollegeSwarthmorePennsylvania
2830Tufts UniversityMedfordMassachusetts
2931Wellesley CollegeWellesleyMassachusetts
3032Georgetown UniversityWashingtonDC
3134Claremont McKenna CollegeClaremontCalifornia
3235Carleton CollegeNorthfieldMinnesota
33=36Haverford CollegeHaverfordPennsylvania
3438Bowdoin CollegeBrunswickMaine
3539Smith CollegeNorthamptonMassachusetts
36=40Middlebury CollegeMiddleburyVermont
3742Boston UniversityBostonMassachusetts
38=43Wesleyan UniversityMiddletownConnecticut
3949University of MiamiCoral GablesFlorida
4050Barnard CollegeNew YorkNew York
4151Case Western Reserve UniversityClevelandOhio
=42=52Colgate UniversityHamiltonNew York
=42=52University of RochesterRochesterNew York
44=55Mount Holyoke CollegeSouth HadleyMassachusetts
4557Boston CollegeChestnut HillMassachusetts
46=58Hamilton CollegeClintonNew York
47=61Lehigh UniversityBethlehemPennsylvania
48=61Wake Forest UniversityWinston-SalemNorth Carolina
4963University of RichmondRichmondVirginia
5064Bates CollegeLewistonMaine
5165Vassar CollegePoughkeepsieNew York
5266Davidson CollegeDavidsonNorth Carolina
5367Scripps CollegeClaremontCalifornia
5468Bryn Mawr CollegeBryn MawrPennsylvania
55=69Grinnell CollegeGrinnellIowa
5671Tulane UniversityNew OrleansLouisiana
5772George Washington UniversityWashingtonDC
5873Washington and Lee UniversityLexingtonVirginia
5974Santa Clara UniversitySanta ClaraCalifornia
6077Lafayette CollegeEastonPennsylvania
61=81Bucknell UniversityLewisburgPennsylvania
6284Franklin & Marshall CollegeLancasterPennsylvania
6386Northeastern UniversityBostonMassachusetts
6488Pitzer CollegeClaremontCalifornia
6589Macalester CollegeSaint PaulMinnesota
6690Loyola Marymount UniversityLos AngelesCalifornia
6792Reed CollegePortlandOregon
6893Kenyon CollegeGambierOhio
6994Southern Methodist UniversityDallasTexas
7095Occidental CollegeLos AngelesCalifornia
7196University of the PacificStocktonCalifornia
7298Whitman CollegeWalla WallaWashington
73=99Dickinson CollegeCarlislePennsylvania
74101Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteTroyNew York
75102Skidmore CollegeSaratoga SpringsNew York
76=104Trinity CollegeHartfordConnecticut
77106Trinity UniversitySan AntonioTexas
78107Illinois Institute of TechnologyChicagoIllinois
79108Rhodes CollegeMemphisTennessee
=80=109Connecticut CollegeNew LondonConnecticut
=80=109Howard UniversityWashingtonDC
82111Brandeis UniversityWalthamMassachusetts
83112Oberlin CollegeOberlinOhio
84113Saint Louis UniversitySaint LouisMissouri
85114Denison UniversityGranvilleOhio
=86=115Colorado CollegeColorado SpringsColorado
=86=115Drexel UniversityPhiladelphiaPennsylvania
=88=117College of the Holy CrossWorcesterMassachusetts
=88=117Syracuse UniversitySyracuseNew York
90120DePauw UniversityGreencastleIndiana
91121Worcester Polytechnic InstituteWorcesterMassachusetts
=92=122Gettysburg CollegeGettysburgPennsylvania
=92=122Seattle UniversitySeattleWashington
=94=126Babson CollegeWellesleyMassachusetts
=94=126Spelman CollegeAtlantaGeorgia
=96=128University of DenverDenverColorado
=96=128Simmons UniversityBostonMassachusetts
=96=128Villanova UniversityVillanovaPennsylvania
99132Bentley UniversityWalthamMassachusetts
100134Union CollegeSchenectadyNew York


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