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Best universities in England 2024

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January 5 2024
Best universities in England


The top five universities in England 2024

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England Rank 2024World University Rank 2024World University Rank 2023UniversityCity/Town
111University of Oxford  Oxford
25=3University of Cambridge  Cambridge
3810Imperial College London  London
42222UCL London
5=3835King’s College London  London


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Higher education institutions in England are some of the most popular around the globe. Each year, more than 200,000 international students choose to study in England.

England, the largest country in the United Kingdom, has a fascinating history that deserves to be explored. As well as the bustling capital of London (home to 9.4 million people), there is a multitude of major cities including Birmingham, Manchester, Sheffield, Bristol, Liverpool, Newcastle and Leeds – all of which are easily accessible for students.

English scientists and institutions have won more than 100 Nobel prizes, an achievement few other countries can match. Many scholarships, grants and bursaries are available for international students at English institutions, and the cost of living is good – including healthcare, which is provided free of charge by an institutionalised national system.

Below are some of the best universities to study at in England, based on the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024.

5. King’s College London

Established in 1829 by King George IV and the Duke of Wellington, King’s College London is the fourth oldest university in England.

King’s College London has become the largest healthcare learning centre in Europe, with three teaching hospitals and serving as a hub for over 27,000 students, including nearly 10,500 postgraduates, from 150 different countries.

Situated at the heart of London on the Strand, along the north bank of the River Thames, the university's main campus is complemented by four additional campuses at Guy’s Hospital, St Thomas’ Hospital, and in Waterloo and Denmark Hill.

King’s College London is associated with 12 Nobel Prize winners, including Maurice Wilkins, credited with the discovery of the DNA structure, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who received the Nobel Prize for Peace for his efforts against South Africa's apartheid regime.

With a network of more than 150 partner institutions, the university offers diverse study abroad programmes in collaboration with higher education institutions globally, such as Humboldt University in Berlin and Sorbonne University in France. 

4. UCL

Founded in 1826 to bring higher education to those who were typically excluded from it, UCL became the first university in England to admit women on equal terms to men, in 1878.

UCL is a constituent college of the University of London and is a member of the Russell Group. It is based in the heart of London. International students, from some 150 countries, account for one-third of the population.

The institution has one of the largest systems of postgraduate study in the country, with almost 52 per cent of students involved in graduate programmes.

With 29 Nobel prizes awarded to UCL alumni or staff, the university was the alma mater for many significant scientific figures, including William Ramsay, who discovered the noble gases in 1904.

3. Imperial College London

Established as a university in 1907, Imperial College London was the result of a merger between the Royal College of Science, the Royal School of Mines and the City and Guilds College.

It is a science-based institution in the centre of London, located around the museum district of South Kensington – it formed part of Prince Albert’s mission to make this area a centre for education.

Imperial’s focus is on science, engineering, medicine and business. It is home to the largest concentration of high-impact research of any major UK university. Some 14 Nobel prize-winners, including Sir Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin, attended the university. 

Notable alumni include the author H. G. Wells, Queen guitarist Brian May and Sir Liam Donaldson, former UK chief medical officer.

2. University of Cambridge

Established in 1209, the University of Cambridge is the fourth-oldest surviving university in the world and the second-oldest in the anglophone world.

The campus is in the centre of the city, with other listed buildings on or near the River Cam. There are 31 autonomous colleges, in which students attend small-group teaching sessions called college supervisions.

There are more than 24,000 students at Cambridge – with nearly 4,000 from a range of 120 different countries. It is also home to 100 libraries with more than 15 million books, nine arts, scientific and cultural museums, and a botanical garden.

Cambridge University Press, the university’s publishing business, has more than 50 offices worldwide, producing up to 45,000 titles spanning all kinds of academic research, education and Bible publishing.

Covering every possible category, 92 affiliates of the university have been awarded Nobel prizes.

1. University of Oxford

The University of Oxford’s exact founding date is unknown. There is evidence to suggest that teaching began around 1096 – making it the oldest university in the English-speaking world, and the world’s second-oldest functioning university.

Spread over Oxford’s medieval city centre, the university consists of 44 colleges and halls, with more than 100 libraries – making it the largest library system in the UK.

Oxford has the youngest population of any city in England and Wales, with a quarter of the residents being students (over 24,000 from more than 140 different countries).

Oxford is a modern, research-driven institution, but its particular strengths lie in sciences, and in medicine in particular. If its medical sciences division were a university in its own right, it would be the fourth largest in the UK. Oxford is also among the top 10 global universities for life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences and the arts and humanities.

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Top universities in England 2024

Click each institution to view its full World University Rankings 2024 results

England Rank 2024World University Rank 2024World University Rank 2023UniversityCity/Town
111University of Oxford  Oxford
25=3University of Cambridge  Cambridge
3810Imperial College London  London
42222UCL London
5=3835King’s College London  London
64637London School of Economics and Political Science  London
751=54University of Manchester  Manchester
88176University of Bristol  Bristol
9=97=108University of Southampton  Southampton
10101=108University of Birmingham  Birmingham
11105=114University of Sheffield  Sheffield
12=106=104University of Warwick  Coventry
13129=128University of Leeds  Leeds
14=130130University of Nottingham  Nottingham
15135=124Queen Mary University of London  London
16147=139University of York  York
17=155122Lancaster University  Lancaster
=18=168=176University of Liverpool  Liverpool
=18=168=139Newcastle University  Newcastle
20174=198Durham University  Durham
21=177=137University of Exeter  Exeter
=22201–250=163University of Leicester  Leicester
=22201–250=198University of Reading  Reading
=22201–250201–250University of Sussex  Brighton
=25251–300251–300University of Bath  Bath
=25251–300201–250University of East Anglia  Norwich
=25251–300351–400Loughborough University  Loughborough
=25251–300201–250University of Surrey  Guildford
=29301–350301–350University of Essex  Colchester
=29301–350351–400Royal Holloway, University of London  Egham
=29301–350201–250St George’s, University of London  London
=32351–400401–500Brunel University London  Uxbridge
=32351–400351–400City, University of London  London
=34401–500401–500Aston University  Birmingham
=34401–500251–300Bournemouth University  Bournemouth
=34401–500501–600Goldsmiths, University of London  London
=34401–500501–600University of Hull  Hull
=34401–500351–400University of Kent  Canterbury
=34401–500401–500University of Plymouth  Plymouth
=34401–500401–500University of Portsmouth  Portsmouth
=34401–500351–400Royal Veterinary College  London
=34401–500501–600SOAS University of London  London
=43501–600301–350Anglia Ruskin University (ARU)  Cambridge
=43501–600501–600University of Bradford  Bradford
=43501–600251–300Brighton and Sussex Medical School  Brighton
=43501–600501–600University of Greenwich  London
=43501–600601–800University of Huddersfield  Huddersfield
=43501–600501–600Keele University  Keele
=43501–600401–500University of Lincoln  Lincoln
=43501–600401–500Liverpool John Moores University  Liverpool
=43501–600601–800Manchester Metropolitan University  Manchester
=43501–600401–500Middlesex University  London
=43501–600501–600Northumbria University  Newcastle
=43501–600501–600Nottingham Trent University  Nottingham
=43501–600401–500University of the West of England  Bristol
=56601–800501–600Birmingham City University  Birmingham
=56601–800801–1000Coventry University  Coventry
=56601–800601–800De Montfort University  Leicester
=56601–800601–800University of Derby  Derby
=56601–800601–800University of Hertfordshire  Hatfield
=56601–800601–800London South Bank University  London
=56601–800601–800The Open University  Milton Keynes
=56601–800601–800Oxford Brookes University  Oxford
=56601–800601–800University of Wolverhampton  Wolverhampton
=65801–1000801–1000University of Brighton  Brighton
=65801–1000NRUniversity of Gloucestershire Gloucester
=65801–1000801–1000Kingston University  Kingston upon Thames
=65801–1000801–1000Leeds Beckett University  Leeds
=65801–1000801–1000University of Roehampton  London
=65801–1000801–1000University of Salford  Salford
=65801–1000801–1000Sheffield Hallam University  Sheffield
=65801–10001001–1200University of Westminster  London
=731001–1200801–1000University of Bedfordshire Bedford
=731001–12001201–1500Canterbury Christ Church University  Canterbury
=731001–12001001–1200University of Central Lancashire  Preston
=731001–12001001–1200University of East London  London
=731001–1200801–1000Edge Hill University  Ormskirk
=731001–12001201–1500Staffordshire University  Stoke-on-Trent
=731001–12001001–1200Teesside University  Middlesbrough
=731001–1200NRUniversity of West London  London
=731001–1200801–1000University of Winchester  Winchester
=821201–15001201–1500University of Chester  Chester
=821201–15001001–1200University of Sunderland  Sunderland

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