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Most international universities in the world 2025

Explore the most international universities in the world using data from the Times Higher Education World University Rankings

  • Rankings
  • Study abroad
March 19 2025


The most international universities in the world 2025

Most international rank 2025Most international rank 2024
World University rank 2025
1178City University of Hong KongHong Kong
2966The Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyHong Kong
310=84Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHong Kong
4635University of Hong KongHong Kong
52=191Abu Dhabi UniversityUnited Arab Emirates
631University of OxfordUnited Kingdom
759Imperial College LondonUnited Kingdom
845University of CambridgeUnited Kingdom
9711ETH ZurichSwitzerland
10832École Polytechnique Fédérale de LausanneSwitzerland
111344Chinese University of Hong KongHong Kong
=1212=36King’s College LondonUnited Kingdom
=12=1530Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeSingapore
=14=17=56Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
=14=17=50London School of Economics and Political ScienceUnited Kingdom
=1414=22UCLUnited Kingdom
1711=110University of ViennaAustria
=18=2017National University of SingaporeSingapore
=181929University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom
=20=23=53University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom
=2022=67Wageningen University & ResearchNetherlands
22=15=73Australian National UniversityAustralia
23=20=58University of AmsterdamNetherlands
=242777The University of QueenslandAustralia
=242683UNSW SydneyAustralia
26=2341University of British ColumbiaCanada
2728106University of WarwickUnited Kingdom
=2833=80University of GroningenNetherlands
=282939University of MelbourneAustralia
30=35=87University of GlasgowUnited Kingdom
=3142=58Monash UniversityAustralia
=31=31123University of LeedsUnited Kingdom
=33302Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUnited States
=33=35=93University of BirminghamUnited Kingdom
=35=31139Trinity College DublinIreland
=35=4021University of TorontoCanada
373861University of SydneyAustralia
38NR=172Durham UniversityUnited Kingdom
393745McGill UniversityCanada
=404678University of BristolUnited Kingdom
=40=40=185University of St AndrewsUnited Kingdom
42=4471Institut Polytechnique de ParisFrance
4343=73Leiden UniversityNetherlands
4439=152University of AucklandNew Zealand
45=443Harvard UniversityUnited States
46NR=116University of AlbertaCanada
47NR=146University of YorkUnited Kingdom
48=4749Karolinska InstituteSweden
49=477California Institute of TechnologyUnited States
50NR301–350King Khalid UniversitySaudi Arabia
5153=196Aalto UniversityFinland
52504Princeton UniversityUnited States
=53=65601–800Beirut Arab UniversityLebanon
=53496Stanford UniversityUnited States
=53518University of California, BerkeleyUnited States
565643KU LeuvenBelgium
=5763601–800Qassim UniversitySaudi Arabia
=575497University of CopenhagenDenmark
59=69=110Aarhus UniversityDenmark
=6060=104Free University of BerlinGermany
=6055=180University of Cape TownSouth Africa
62=5820Cornell UniversityUnited States
=6357=18Columbia UniversityUnited States
=6362=95Lund UniversitySweden
=636126Technical University of MunichGermany
=6679251–300University of MalayaMalaysia
=6673=116University of OsloNorway
68=5824Carnegie Mellon UniversityUnited States
69=6510Yale UniversityUnited States
70=7116Johns Hopkins UniversityUnited States
717776Sorbonne UniversityFrance
7268=84University of MassachusettsUnited States
73=71=112Rice UniversityUnited States
74=69351–400Zayed UniversityUnited Arab Emirates
756440Georgia Institute of TechnologyUnited States
7674=130Uppsala UniversitySweden
77=65=67University of California, Santa BarbaraUnited States
78801201–1500Lebanese UniversityLebanon
7986=47Universität HeidelbergGermany
=80NR251–300Lebanese American UniversityLebanon
=8076=14The University of ChicagoUnited States
8275=84Humboldt University of BerlinGermany
8381301–350Technion Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael
848442Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University ParisFrance
=8588201–250Northeastern UniversityUnited States
=8587=14University of PennsylvaniaUnited States
87NR127University of RochesterUnited States
8882=62University of California, DavisUnited States
899038LMU MunichGermany
909275Boston UniversityUnited States
918979Purdue University West LafayetteUnited States
927833New York UniversityUnited States
93102401–500Aix-Marseille UniversityFrance
9485=90University of California, IrvineUnited States
95101401–500University of ToulouseFrance
9693601–800Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic UniversitySaudi Arabia
97NR140Technical University of BerlinGermany
989164Université Paris-SaclayFrance
=99NR251–300Stony Brook UniversityUnited States
=99NR121University of GöttingenGermany
=1019489University of BonnGermany
=101=95=18University of California, Los AngelesUnited States
=101=103=100University of TübingenGermany
=10483=166Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyGermany
=104=95301–350Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorway
=1049972University of Southern CaliforniaUnited States
=10710627Duke UniversityUnited States
=107=10334University of California, San DiegoUnited States
109108=199Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)Spain
11098=128University of FreiburgGermany
11197=112Ghent UniversityBelgium
11210792RWTH Aachen UniversityGermany
113105=196University of California, Santa CruzUnited States
114113=183Université Paris CitéFrance
115116=58Brown UniversityUnited States
116109401–500Charles UniversityCzechia
=117NR501–600Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal UniversitySaudi Arabia
=117112201–250Politecnico di MilanoItaly
119115=149University of BarcelonaSpain
120123=196University of Notre DameUnited States
=121132=102Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)South Korea
=121NR=132University of HamburgGermany
12312469Washington University in St LouisUnited States
124=110122Michigan State UniversityUnited States
125=117351–400Université Grenoble AlpesFrance
12611425University of WashingtonUnited States
127126=107University of HelsinkiFinland
128=117=160TU DresdenGermany
12910031Northwestern UniversityUnited States
130119=143Texas A&M UniversityUnited States
131=121201–250Arizona State University (Tempe)United States
132125=22University of Michigan-Ann ArborUnited States
=133133201–250Tel Aviv UniversityIsrael
=13312746University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUnited States
135141801–1000National Autonomous University of MexicoMexico
136138=146University of BolognaItaly
=137128401–500University of PortoPortugal
=137134251–300Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityUnited States
139129=98Emory UniversityUnited States
=140=130251–300École Normale Supérieure de LyonFrance
=140=135=56University of Wisconsin-MadisonUnited States
143=142251–300North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
145137=189Indiana UniversityUnited States
146148=154Tongji UniversityChina
14713913Peking UniversityChina
149145201–250University of PaduaItaly
150=146=90Vanderbilt UniversityUnited States
152=142=100Penn State (Main campus)United States
153=153188University of MünsterGermany
=154120=116Ohio State University (Main campus)United States
=154144=143University of Colorado BoulderUnited States
156NR=189Korea UniversitySouth Korea
157162=136University of ArizonaUnited States
158152=168Dartmouth CollegeUnited States
159165=172National Taiwan University (NTU)Taiwan
=160155=163University of Virginia (Main campus)United States
162149301–350Hebrew University of JerusalemIsrael
163151201–250Georgetown UniversityUnited States
16415928The University of TokyoJapan
165NR351–400Middle East Technical UniversityTurkey
167166501–600Complutense University of MadridSpain
168156=185Sapienza University of RomeItaly
169157195Tokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan
170=146251–300University of IowaUnited States
171=163120Tohoku UniversityJapan
172=153=130University of FloridaUnited States
173=16365Nanjing UniversityChina
=174161=141University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campusUnited States
=174158=47Zhejiang UniversityChina
176160801–1000Waseda UniversityJapan
177168=112University of Maryland, College ParkUnited States
178NR601–800University of WarsawPoland
17916970University of North Carolina at Chapel HillUnited States
180170=50University of Texas at AustinUnited States
18116752Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityChina
182171=87University of MinnesotaUnited States
183=181201–250Tianjin UniversityChina
184NR601–800Chulalongkorn UniversityThailand
185=18482Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)South Korea
186179=102Yonsei University (Seoul campus)South Korea
187NR801–1000Cairo UniversityEgypt
188175162Osaka UniversityJapan
189=177=62Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea
=19018055Kyoto UniversityJapan
=190=177351–400University of Georgia (USA)United States
=192174=36Fudan UniversityChina
=192172351–400University of TsukubaJapan
194=181=146Beijing Normal UniversityChina
19517612Tsinghua UniversityChina
196NR201–250University of UtahUnited States
=198186301–350Kyushu UniversityJapan
=198188=199University of São PauloBrazil
201187351–400Hokkaido UniversityJapan
202192151Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)South Korea
203189201–250Nankai UniversityChina
204200201–250Beijing Institute of TechnologyChina
205195201–250Sichuan UniversityChina
206190201–250Nagoya UniversityJapan
207191301–350Southeast UniversityChina
208194=53University of Science and Technology of ChinaChina
209193351–400University of CampinasBrazil
210196=134Wuhan UniversityChina
211197601–800Keio UniversityJapan
212198201–250Sun Yat-sen UniversityChina
213199=152Harbin Institute of TechnologyChina
214202201–250Indian Institute of ScienceIndia
215NR251–300Beihang UniversityChina
216201201–250Xi’an Jiaotong UniversityChina
217203=166Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyChina

Prospective students who wish to study in the most international environments in the world should apply to universities in Switzerland, Hong Kong, the UAE or the UK.

Universities, by their nature, are global institutions. Typically, they are home to communities of students and scholars from all over the world, and they tackle some of the globe’s most pressing problems through research.

This table – compiled using the international student score, international staff score, international co-authorship score and international reputation metrics collected for the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025 – shows that the above four countries and regions are home to some of the most international universities in the world.

These institutions all have a high proportion of international students and staff, collaborate on research with scholars from across the world, and have a strong global reputation to match. Read the full methodology at the bottom of the page.

Research suggests that diverse communities of students improve the teaching and learning experience, while opportunities for students to spend time abroad better prepare them to become global citizens.

Top five most international universities in the world

1. City University of Hong Kong

City University of Hong Kong is a public research university in Kowloon, Hong Kong. It was founded in 1984 as the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, and it became a fully accredited university in 1994.

There are 11 colleges and schools: biomedicine, business, computing, engineering, liberal arts and social sciences, science, veterinary medicine and life sciences, creative media, data science, energy and environment, law, and graduate studies.

The university set up the Distinguished Visiting Professor Scheme in 2023. The scheme invites over 50 internationally renowned scholars to conduct interdisciplinary scientific and academic research with CityUHK faculty and students.

The student body is drawn from nearly 100 countries/regions and its faculty come from more than 40 countries or regions.

2. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is regarded as one of the fastest-growing universities in the world.

More than a third of the student body is considered international with at least 60 nationalities represented. About 80 per cent of the faculty come from overseas.

More than 45 per cent of students undertake an overseas exchange and all four academic schools have their own exchange programmes. Some 70 per cent of students participate in internships overseas. 

3. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

This year the Hong Kong Polytechnic University has gone up seven places to take third position. 

All students at the university are encouraged to undertake exchange programmes outside Hong Kong. The university has partnerships with more than 244 universities worldwide to facilitate these exchanges. 

Students can get involved in a range of sports clubs, including swimming, rowing, table tennis, squash and volleyball.

4. University of Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong has embarked on a mission to become “Asia’s Global University”, which includes the goal of 50 per cent of its undergraduates having two opportunities to study outside Hong Kong during their degree.

Overall, Hong Kong’s leading university has more than 20,000 students, with almost 8,000 from abroad.

Teaching at the institution is in English and education has an international focus, with the aim of preparing students to become global citizens who could be successful anywhere in the world.

Hong Kong itself is also known as one of the most global cities in the world, acting as a gateway between East and West.

5. Abu Dhabi University

Abu Dhabi University was established in 2003 and enrols about 8,000 students.

The university is home to students from more than 100 nations.

There are many opportunities for international students to become part of the community, such as through clubs and sports teams, the student council, and volunteering and community outreach initiatives.

The university also publishes an undergraduate and postgraduate handbook to help students learn about life on campus and the facilities and services available to them.

Further analysis of the results can be found here


The data in Times Higher Education’s ranking of the World’s Most International Universities 2025 is drawn mainly from the “international outlook” pillar of the THE World University Rankings 2025. This takes into account a university’s proportion of international students, international staff and journal publications with at least one international co-author. Each of these elements is given equal weighting in calculating the score for this pillar.

The table adds a fourth component, which makes up 25 per cent of the total score: a university’s international reputation. This is a measure of the proportion of votes from outside the home country that the institution achieved in THE’s annual invitation-only Academic Reputation Survey, which asks leading scholars to name the world’s best universities for teaching and research in their field.

Only institutions that received at least 400 votes in the survey were eligible for inclusion. Universities must also receive at least 200 or at least 10 per cent of available domestic votes to be ranked. Once universities are included in the international list, they are excluded only if they do not meet the vote thresholds for two years in a row.

Metrics and weightings:

• 25 per cent: proportion of international staff

• 25 per cent: proportion of international students

• 25 per cent: international co-authorship

• 25 per cent: international reputation.

Editor’s note: As part of our THE statement on Ukraine published on 2 March 2022, Russian universities have been given less prominence in our rankings. Russian universities that met the criteria for this ranking are not displayed in the table above.

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